The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.







An Editorial
For The People

What do you think?
editorial for The People by pete edwards

The Real Enemy of America

"The word "terrorism" in the United States usually brings to mind plots linked in some way to al Qaeda, while the danger posed to the public by white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists and other right-wing militants is often overlooked." These are the words of Peter Bergen, CNN's national security analyst, who is also a director at the New America Foundation.

Political interest groups like the New America Foundation seem to be popping up in dialogue involving the actions of anyone with social ideals right of center. To most Americans, right of center means conservative, while left of center means liberal. There is no sinister plot by either ordinary conservatives or ordinary liberals to destroy America or to cause harm to the other side. Ordinary people choose a position based on their spiritual, social and economic status with no malice involved. Sometimes it is just a gut feeling that draws them in one direction, but organizations like the New America Foundation do not want you to see it in such logical terms. They busy themselves with painting conservatives as right wing extremists with sinister and dangerous ideologies. The idea is to paint such a bad picture of conservatism that even diehard conservatives shy away from being labeled one. These organizations are trying to destroy conservatism using shame and fear of being labeled one. To them if you are not a liberal you must be a threat. They ignore the fact that sometimes crazy people do crazy things regardless of their political affiliations. Not all crazy people are terrorists, but all terrorists are crazy people.

Groups like the New America Foundation have been very successful achieving their goals. They, for instance, can stop ordinary people supporting a pro-life organization by painting all such groups as right wing extremists or domestic terrorists. They can stop public debate on immigration by labeling anyone opposing illegal immigration a racist right wing extremist. If the church gets involved, they label all religious people as religious right extremists. This is powerful stuff and an effective tool in shaping society. But how can they manipulate us without being exposed for the far left wing fanatics they are? And where do they get the funding to carry out their agenda.

First they have to gain respectability. To do that the group enlist the help of intelligent people with like-minded social agendas already respected in their field of endeavor. People like Peter Bergen. They concoct a fancy name that sounds important and innocuous. They then promote the organization as a nonpolitical resource with high sounding ideals like "the New America Foundation, a Washington-based think tank that seeks innovative solutions across the ideological spectrum". All untrue because they are purely politically motivated. From there it is a simple step to convince the media and America's political establishment that their slanted agenda is based on actual fact. CNN falls for it, and through them, so do we.

It is true that terrorism comes in different disguises. There is only one enemy of a peaceful society worse than a determined terrorist, and that is a rich and powerful determined terrorist like multi-billionaire George Soros. George Soros is not your al Qaeda type terrorist killing innocent people for a cause. The terrorism Soros engages in damages the fabric of a country's sovereignty, causing fear for its people's personal freedom, individuality and self determination, in order to promote its cause, Soros has his poisonous little fingers in many a seemingly healthy pie. Pies like the New America Foundation and the notorious American Civil Liberties Union. He can afford to bankroll dozens of organizations of the type that can do untold damage to America, and he does. Any attack on America's constitutional way of life can almost always be traced back to Soros. He is a fanatical liberal who wants individual freedom outlawed and one world government to control everything. This guy is truly scary and a real threat to the American way of life and the entire planet, that is why I can confidently label him a domestic terrorist of the worst kind and a deadly enemy of America. If you want to know more about Soros, go to
or Google him.

With organizations like the New America Foundation you now have means and funding to successfully manipulate the American mindset with the help of CNN and other news channels. Remember the statement at the beginning of this editorial. "The word "terrorism" in the United States usually brings to mind plots linked in some way to al Qaeda, while the danger posed to the public by white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists and other right-wing militants is often overlooked." The words "other right-wing militants" tells us what the New America Foundation is all about. It may be that the George Soros style of terrorism is the one being overlooked.

A few years ago the Southern Poverty Law Center was pushing the same type of outrageous agenda labeling anyone opposed to their thinking a religious right extremist. They compiled lists of groups they saw as a threat to their agenda and Christians were a prominent target. Fortunately they overstepped their credibility by labeling the Christian religion as extremism so they have now slipped from grace with the media, but it doesn't mean their ideas are dead. The New America Foundation is the current flavor of the month with the mainstream media but none the less is just as biased and maybe even more dangerous. They are not dangerous because they are liberal, they are dangerous because they covertly subvert Americanism using the mainstream media to get the word out. There are a hundred more organizations just like the New America Foundation, trying to slant America in their un-American direction, all funded in some way by George Soros.

The face of terrorism has many disguises, make sure you are not fooled by George Soros or his friendly sounding "terrorist" organizations.

They are no more friendly to America than al Qaeda.

That's what I think. What do you think?

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Pete Edwards
Editor - Publisher