Illegal Immigration still a hot topic
Letter to Editor
As a taxpayer and an American I have to respond to the article entitled "Building Bridges on Immigration." Let me make it very plain I am not against legal immigration. What I am against are those 5,000 - 10,000 invading illegal aliens that cross our borders daily according to the FBI and commit their first misdemeanor offense. The second time they cross our borders it is a felony. 90 % of illegal border crossers are never charged. If one looks at the website of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC, Nashville) you will find that the 60 plus bills that our legislators are trying to pass on our behalf are being countered by this radical group. On March 19, 2008 the TIRRC will be rallying at the Legislature in Nashville to oppose any legislation to end this invasion to Tennessee. They will be contacting the Senators and Representatives of the citizens of Tennessee. How many will be illegal aliens? Will ICE be on the scene? In these 60 plus bills that our elected legislators are attempting to pass, they are trying to protect us from illegal aliens who commit constant crimes including: breaking our sovereignty laws, smuggling illegal drugs, robberies, murders, identity thefts, increased drunk driving accidents and deaths, plus other crimes. They are trying to save Tennessee millions and millions of dollars from the illegal alien invasion. They are trying to save our hospitals from financial ruin and to make individuals prove they are here legally before they are given services. They are trying to save our cities and neighborhoods from the balkanization caused by rampant illegal immigration and by the flood of illegal aliens to our state.
If you attend the Bradley County Sessions Court as I do you will have your eyes opened. The constant illegal aliens crimes are the following: DUI's, DWI's , assaulting officers, murder, robbery, writing fraudulent checks, no drivers license, fake ID, deadly gangs (MS 13 in Bradley County), no insurance, fleeing the scene of accident, ID fraud and the list goes on and on! "More than $285 million a year is the cost to Tennesseans according to a study by FAIR on illegal immigration in Tennessee."
Illegal aliens are destroying Tennessee's infrastructure such as: schools, prisons, roads, public safety, hospitals/health departments, and welfare programs. In the MUNDO Hispanic paper it shows that in Bradley County (Hamilton County it is 1,858) alone we had 680 Hispanic children in 2006. That adds up to over $3,500,000 (over 3 million) in student costs for illegal aliens, the children of illegal aliens and others drawn to Bradley County because it is known as the "Easy Road to Freedom" for illegal aliens and their families. Additional student costs include free ESL and ELL special education classes for the folks in Bradley County. It also doesn't include the costs we are paying for their FREE breakfast and lunch and after care. You and I pay for the FREE services and benefits to illegal aliens. Why do we need new schools? We are being invaded by illegal aliens and must provide additional facilities to educate the children. Your children are being deprived of tax dollars and attention and improvements due to the time and dollars expended to the illegal aliens and the children of illegal aliens. We need only look to states such as California and Texas to see what illegal immigration has done to schools and health care facilities. We can look even closer to Georgia and Grady Hospital for what the crush of illegal aliens means to health care and the potential for collapse and financial ruin.
"The World Health Organization warns new and emerging infectious diseases are spreading rapidly around the world threatening the health, economies and security of all nations. Since 1967, it says at least 39 new diseases have developed (8-17-2007)." Now illegals are carrying in Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (It is stated that classrooms, restaurants, hotels and movie theaters are the perfect vehicles for the transmission of tuberculosis), Chagas (Kissing Bug, presently 500,000 people in the United States are infected with this parasite, Leprosy from 1950 to 2000 America had 800 cases from 2000 - 2004 America has 9,000+ and rising daily, Hepatitis A, B, C, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases to name just a few contagious diseases rapidly increasing in America. America had many contagious diseases eradicated but now we must be every vigilant in where we eat, schools, construction sites, what hotel we frequent and the other public places that illegal aliens are working.
Here is a picture of what these law breakers are getting and who will not follow America's rule of law. FREE Disability Education Act of 1975; FREE Education K-12; FREE Bilingual or ESL,ELL language assistance; FREE Breakfast and lunch; FREE school aftercare; FREE WIC; FREE Prison costs, INCLUDING FREE LAWYERS AND TRANSLATORS ($50 AN HOUR); FREE Welfare; FREE Food stamps; FREE Medicaid; Free CoverKids; FREE Disability Income; FREE SSI; FREE Social Security (Senate Bill 2611); FREE health care, hospitalization, health department services; FREE TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families); SECTION 8 HOUSING; Tax fraud ("The IRS gave out $10 billion in 2002 to illegal immigrants in tax refund returns") where they get a $4,400.00 tax return through a loophole each year! Regardless of legal status the TIRRC is helping illegal aliens. They are fighting to stop our officers trained in 287g that will allow our police to protect us from these criminal! They are linked to La Raza on their website, an ethnocentric organization that fights hard for illegal aliens and who helped to author the gigantic AMNESTY for the 20 plus million illegal aliens. Which I might add is again NOW in congress as the 5 year amnesty bill.
With our totalization agreement with Mexico a Mexican citizen can get benefits in the United States after only working 18 months but an American must work 120 months. Where is the loyalty of our congressmen to Americans not lawbreakers?
I am requesting that Davidson County Sheriff's office and ICE be ready for TIRRC's rally at the Tennessee legislature on March 19, 2008. Round them all up at one time and send them home. Tennesseans will then make a strong statement about constant lawbreakers and those who dare to violate our borders when there is an orderly and legal way to enter the United States of America. Identify yourself, seek permission to enter, submit to background and health screenings, show your purpose in coming and your ability to support yourself and then come when invited. We have had enough of those who wish to come and take and leave the American public holding the bag. We have had enough of others telling us to pay for and support illegal alien lawbreakers. We have had enough of politicians and special interests such as La Raza, MALDEF, MEChA, Ocoee Regional Multi-cultural Center, LULAC and the TIRRC.
Contact your Senators and Representatives today! Contact your local Mayors and Code Enforcement for overcrowded housing (in the city of Cleveland the code states no more than 4 unrelated people in the home). Contact your local Sheriff (Tim Gobble) and Police Chief (Wes Snyder) to request the 287 (g). Call ICE to report local businesses suspected of hiring illegal aliens. Contact the IRS Fraud hotline to report businesses that may be paying illegal aliens off of the books. Check your Social Security number (especially your children's and grandchildren's) to see if anyone is using your number fraudulently. Check your Credit Report every 6 months to see if your identity has been stolen or your credit used fraudulently.
DiAnna Stanich, Cleveland.
Chairwoman, WethepeopleofAmerica.org