The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

DECEMBER    2006

                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Reader vents off

Letter To The Editor:

The only reason I am writing you is because I was very impressed with your October cover story on immigration.

I have been to the Middle-East, I have been to Europe, many other countries and I am happy to say that there is no place like home.

I feel we need to get out of Iraq yesterday and stay out! This war is draining us financially and will if Bush doesn't get out, make us a third world nation. We will be poor and unable to take care of ourselves. And most of all we will have lost our youth in this Iraqi war that we should never have gone into in the first place.

More than Iraq, I feel our real threat is from our southern borders. In our town I feel there are about three levels of income. The rich (about 5 to 10%), The middle class (about 25 to 30%) and the rest are poor. They work for minimal wages ($6 to $7/hour), they can't feed their families. They can't pay their rent, and the future is all down-hill. And, a lot of them are doing drugs which come from across our southern borders.

Recently it was on TV that the fruit growers were paying $15/hour to the Mexicans to pick the fruit. I have never made $15 an hour in my life time! Send the Mexicans back across the borders in a bus each day to convince the Mexican government that we mean to keep them out and give these jobs to our youth, college kids, elderly who can't make ends meet, anyone to keep these jobs in America and our money here in America!

Stop giving citizenship to babies born to illegal mothers. Stop these drug dealers by not putting them in our penal system but busing them back to Mexico with some kind of I.D. that they can't ever come back to America. Empty our prisons, our jails, and institutions and do the same.

There is a legal way of coming into America so immigrants, get in line! It is not a right to come to America but a privilege. If you don't plan to become Americans, please do not come. The present immigration laws need to be enforced and in that case, it is our fault that the borders are not secure.

In addition to stopping these illegal mothers from coming to America to give birth to their babies, let any child under the age of 18 still at home with illegal parents, loose their citizenship.

Fine these employers (big time) who hire Mexicans to keep down the wages. In other words put Americans first! I will pay more for lettuce, apples or whatever! I love my country, and I want what is best for us!

I feel this Bush administration is doing nothing for our country. All this money we are spending in Iraq is useless and you don't want to hear it but we are not going to win the war either. I don't know who should get in office next but I am hoping someone like Pat Buchanan because our war is here in America, not Iraq!

Have you ever thought that we have enough people in America? This 100 billion born baby should tell you something.

It is our quality of life that America offers as a carrot to these immigrants. It is the "Yankee Know How" that rubs them to the point that they want to kill us. We are a God fearing nation, we are a God serving nation, and we had God in the beginning to develop this nation. That is the key to America!

I dreamed of busing this entire ACLU group and anyone else who is not happy with America and putting them in a leaky boat out into the ocean. In other words, I am proud to be an American, I love my country and I don't want it going down the drain. I don't like what is going on right now in the Bush administration either. I want Bush out and I want someone "at the wheel" who knows what is best for us. Do you know that when Bush comes on the TV, I cut it off! I will not pay for electricity to hear him lie to me!

June Snyder, Cleveland, TN.

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