The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Shortened Memories

Letter to the Editor:

What shortened memories voters have. They can't remember back to the George W. Bush's years in the White House. They can't remember the closed door meetings, the executive orders, the dismantling of the rights of American Citizens, and the pride with which all issues were addressed.

The voters elected more Republicans into office in 2010. Putting the House of Representatives into the hands of Republicans, who have shown no respect for the general public. No, they haven't. Their major agenda has been to rid our country of a president, not solving problems. They don't feel they have a responsiblity to you and me.

Can you trust the Republican Party to do those things needed to continue to have a strong country and a good working class? In my opinion, no. I don't trust them to create jobs with their "No Taxation" of the rich, "High Taxation" of the middle class and poor. Who are they serving? You? Me? The Corporations? The Rich? Have you already forgotten the battles in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida? Wasn't legislation passed without consent of the majority of the voters? Weren't the voters by-passed and told they could not unionize? What I find odd, the Republicans are not just affecting the lives of the Democratic voters, but also the Republican voters and the Independent voters. Their plot to take away the rights of American citizens and subject them to their party's domination is very far reaching.

We are all American citizens, the Republican Seniors, the Independent Seniors, and the Democratic Seniors. If the Republican Party decides to have an executive order to take away your Social Security benefits and Healthcare benefits, what will you do? Do you really trust them not to mess with your social security and healthcare? Out of their own mouths, they want it gone. All of it. Have you already forgotten their mantra? The Republicans use words that are directed to appease or calm you, but they are empty words. Do you want proof? How many yeses have you heard in the past three years? Have they agreed to anything or wasted our time saying "NO" to everything? Have they created any jobs since being elected in 2010. Didn't they promise jobs? You fell for that line didn't you? Someone did, they were elected into office.

We are all American citzens, Republican Children, Independent Children, and Democratic Children. What will happen to your children's education if the Republican Party withdraws federal monies from public school systems? They want public schools gone. They want to privatize all schools, which means your children will be taught what the big corporations deem fit for your children to learn. How short is your memory now? Do you want this for your Republican, Independent, and Democratic children? Just remember, defunding programs affects all political bases, not just one or the other. We are all under attack by those bought by BIG MONEY. Can you remember this come election day, or will the smooth talking Republilcans make you believe their lies once more?

We are all American citizens. Republicans with health problems, Independents with health problems, and Democratics with health problems. If you are like I am, watching how many companies are being forced to admit to making people sick either with their products or with their pharmaceuticals, then you understand the reason "WHY" the Republican party wants to defund healthcare in the United States. Would you be sick without the products and pharmaceuticals? The corporations "KNOW" their products or pharmaceuticals are not as safe as they wish for you to believe. Want proof? What about all the recalls on products and medicines? Not only do they want to defund healthcare, they want to defund the organization that tries to protect you from eating tainted food or using products that cause harm, or medicines that cause bigger health problems. If you have had major health problems you know what I am talking about, don't you? How shortened is your memory now? Do the Republicans really want you alive? In my opinion, NO, you are a liability to their God, the almighty Corporation.

Open your eyes and ears, if you hear someone repeating a message or the same words over and over, they are trying [to] convince you to believe in what they are saying. If their words are good words, why would they have to be repeated over and over? Why wouldn't the words said with honesty, said once, be enough?

The Democratic Party is responsible for our trade agreements and look where that has gotten the American People. NO WHERE. China is the hot spot these days and even they have companies to help our corporations to outsource to them. Interesting isn't it? Corporations built in the United States have turned on those that helped them to succeed. You. Me. Democratics, Republicans, and Independent voters.  Democratics lie as well as the Republicans. Free Trade has almost wiped us out. It didn't turn out to be beneficial to us, did it? Unfortunately for China and India, once people gain a living wage and the natural resources are almost gone, they will face the same crisis, the rest of the globe is facing. Yes, they are being used by the corporations as much as we were.

If you think back to your school days, think of your classmates. Some never spoke a word, some were doers, some were bullies, and some were peace-makers. Which kids did you look up to and respect? We have the same types of people in our government. I would find a doer with peace-making skills to be my President, but at this time I haven't found a single person that fits that profile. We have bullies, do-nothings, and peace-makers. Where are the doers with peace-making skills? I guess we will all see each other on the other side, when the dust settles. Until then, use your vote wisely, look at action as well as convincing words, and then cast your vote to choose your next President.

Valerie Gamblin
Cleveland, TN

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