The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

How Do you Spell "Laodicean"...?

by June Griffin

Aside from promoting what used to be important in school, such as spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic, spelling bees are usually pretty ho-hum subjects, as far as having any pertinence to the times in which we live.

But this year, things were different. Even Lee Anderson of the Chattanooga Times Free Press had to make a major editorial comment on the fact that the winning word in the national spelling bee contest was of significance. Indeed, it was a Bible word, from the Book of Revelation (not Revelations, for the profane). You could tell that he was more than mildly interested in the word, being a long-time follower of the Scriptures. And the word had the thunder of Sinai in it.

What was so significant? It is a commentary on the times in which we live. The Scripture states in the third chapter of Revelation that a certain church at Laodicea was given to compromise; they were neither 'cold nor hot.' Such lukewarm philosophy and compromise makes God sick. It says He will spew them out of His mouth.

The Bible holds up for admiration persons who stood for something, even to the death, if necessary, and on the other hand brings condemnation on those who sell out their principles for temporal advantage. Say, like Esau, who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Hardly someone to imitate! The Lord loved Jacob and hated Esau and he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

Compromise always loses; pragmatism is not a virtue. Old jesuit casuistry states that the end justifies the means; that if something 'works,' its use is justified. That is hardly the Bible standard. The Apostle Paul plainly stated that he did not do evil that good may come.

Take the matter of the so-called 'health care' bill which is a covering for full-blown Communism. Fraught with controls over your most basic substance, your health, this high-minded takeover of fools and envious has ended up with tens of thousands of real Americans leaving their necessary work and families, spending their own money, and holding a national 'tea party' in Washington, DC in an effort to make a statement to the deaf ears of Congress.

The same afore mentioned Chattanooga Times Free Press on August 17, 2009, had a pointed reference to the pitfalls of compromise. Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, said that government alternative to private health insurance is "not the essential element of the administration's health care overhaul. The White House would be open to co-ops." She said, "a sign that Democrats want a compromise so they can declare a victory."

Wait a minute! They can declare a victory through compromise??!! I thought a compromise would make both sides happy. How could a compromise declare a victory? Impression is that compromise gives both parties to meet in the middle, making everyone happy, everyone gaining a little of what they want. Not so, to the contrary, in national policy, compromise gains for the aggressor and defense is left holding the bag. In this case, the enemy comes on with the most tyrannical suggestion, and who is the compromiser? Those who are the losers, at least according to Kathleen Sebelius.

This has been the case with the republican party since the dark ages of the 1960's. Suppose the radical democrats would propose that the right legs of the republicans were to be amputated. The limp-wristed and compromising republicans come along and argue that only their toes be cut off. Who wins and who loses? After all, better to lose toes than legs, right?

This foolish method has nearly cost us our country and we Americans have been pushed backward perpetually by what was put forth as brilliant 'deals' and compromises. But that day is over, for which I thank the Lord. We are learning from Alexander Hamilton that those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

We may be a little slow to react to such political shenanigans, but no longer! We are sticking our heels in the ground and while a multitude may decide to make deals with the devil and sell their birthright, the rag-tag army of the colonists have heirs and by God's grace, they will prevail. Almighty God will spew them out of His mouth. They make Him sick. They make me sick, too. How about you?

There is a reward for those who overcome this nauseating propensity: they get to sit in the throne.


June Griffin