by Mel Griffith
Recently the Pope quoted an ancient writer who called the Islamic religion evil and inhumane. Since this statement was not politically correct, he has been busy soothing things over since. Sadly, he was right the first time. There is plenty of proof in Iraq and lots of other places. While those busy killing people may be a small minority, there have to be many more people who have a good idea who they are and don't turn them in.
The Moslem religion has a long history of vicious behavior and hatred. Back before 9/11 there were a lot of people who tried to ignore this and went around saying that all worship the same God so Moslems are just brothers with a different set of customs. The last several years should have made it clear that the God the Moslems think they are worshiping has no resemblance to the God we Christians are worshiping. Their God of their own making is no different from the worship of Baal and other false gods that the Old Testament Israelites were so often warned against.
The Moslem religion appears to have made no progress in its thinking since it was founded in the 600s. Indeed, it was already out of date when it was started because it was a throwback to harsh Old Testament practices and attitudes which Christ had wiped out centuries before. Think how much better the world would be today if Mohamed had just contented himself with spreading Christianity instead of starting a new religion.
We must recognize that the present struggle is not competing styles of worship but is part of an ongoing struggle between good and evil. In our lifetime we have seen the evils of the Nazis defeated only to be replaced by the evils of communism. That has been defeated in most places only to be replaced by the evils of Islam as a threat to the good people of the world.
In fairness we must recognize that there are millions of good Moslems who believe in its teachings because that is all they have ever had the opportunity to know. Its leaders are very aggressive in keeping their people ignorant because they know that in a fair choice between Christianity and Islam, people who understand both will choose Christianity. We must also admit that Christianity has had its evil moments in centuries past. The burning of Joan of Arc or the Spanish inquisition were not events which we would regard today as Christian. But at the same time they happened very few people had ever had the opportunity to read any of the Bible and were easily misled by evil people just as many Moslems are today.
One great difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christian people have steadily improved themselves as more knowledge and understanding became available while Islam has concentrated on preventing any changes to the attitudes of 1400 years ago.