Fair Tax
Letter to the Editor:
How do you feel about paying your income taxes? Do you feel like (1) you are participating in a fair taxation system, (2) you are only paying your fair share and (3) everyone else is paying their fair share too?
The Fair Tax is superior to the Income Tax. If adopted the Fair Tax would do away with the IRS with all its shortcomings and be a huge boon for American businesses. The Fair Tax is essentially a national sales tax. Among its advantages: absolutely everyone pays (including illegal aliens and tourists) and American businesses will be on a more level playing field with their international competitors. American made products will be cheaper for both Americans consumers and export. Those living below the poverty level are protected.
The Fair Tax was introduced into congress in 1999 and has been buried in congressional committees even since; it's never been voted on. If your congressional representative is unable to give you an acceptable explanation of why he/she has not been a supporter of the Fair Tax, you need a new representative! Defeat your congressperson in the primary if possible; even if that requires voting across party lines. There's always November.
Edward Ferrell
Arlington, TX
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