The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2005

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







And the Award Goes to...

by JC Bowman

Oh yes it is award season in Hollywood.  The officials at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences desperately trying to breathe interest in the four plus hour show that lacks real public interest have to somehow create hype and interest.

They certainly did that with the selection of Chris Rock as host of this years 'Oscars.'  "I never watched the Oscars. Come on, it's a fashion show," according to Rock.  "No one performs; it's not like a music show. What straight black man sits there and watches the Oscars?"  Okay at this point, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences probably came unglued, but interestingly they remained silent.

I know the saying in Hollywood that even bad press is better than no press. But you have to think the Academy did not want to hear these comments, especially when Chris Rock added: "Awards for art are f---ing idiotic." Imagine if a white conservative or libertarian leaning actor like Mel Gibson, Tom Selleck or Drew Carey had made this statement as the pending host.  What would Hollywood's response be?  Would there have been a public outcry? 

I am sure Hollywood "stars" like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Alec Bladwin, Barbara Streisand, Leo DeCaprio, Robert Deniro; Bette Middler; Susan Sarandon, Mike Farrell, Jane Fonda, Kim Basinger,  Ethan Hawke, Samuel L. Jackson and Jessica Lange, Laurence Fishburne, Uma Thurman, and Martin Sheen and the list goes on would have demanded their removal, or boycotted the Oscars.  If there is justice one of these "stars" will have to present Republican Clint Eastwood with an award, and the Hollywood crowd will be forced to cheer. 

Chris Rock made a perceptive remark when he also alleged:  "How do I say this without sounding like an egomaniac?" he said. "I don't know a comedian that sells more seats than me in the red states and blue states, so I don't see where I have to change that much." 

I have to digest this carefully, do Republicans come out to hear Chris Rock and steal his material when he bashes the left or do Democrats come out as part of a self-loathing event and pay to be insulted?  It certainly makes one wonder.

J C Bowman

-J. C. Bowman, a native of Cleveland, is a well informed and outspoken conservative educator.  He is Director for the Center for Education Innovation at Florida State University. Prior to this, he served as the Director for the Florida Department of Education Choice Office and as the Chief Policy Analyst of the Education Policy Unit for Florida Governor Jeb Bush.


Speaking of loathing, I was disappointed to hear American counterculture writer Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide. Thompson may be best remembered for his cult classic Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. Thompson could make pithy observations with the best of them. 
It would have been interesting if Thompson would have at least had the courage to endure the four plus hour Academy awards, and then made some additional pithy comments about the Hollywood presentation.  Would he have added something similar to what he said about his own vocation?  "I have spent half my life trying to get away from journalism, but I am still mired in it - a low trade and a habit worse than heroin, a strange seedy world full of misfits and drunkards and failures." 

Maybe I am reading too much into Chris Rock and Hollywood?  I guess I feel like Hunter Thompson when he wrote:  "That's why I live out here in the mountains with a flag on my porch and loud Wagner music blaring out of my speakers. I feel lucky, and I have plenty of ammunition. That is God's will, they say, and that is also why I shoot into the darkness at anything that moves. Sooner or later, I will hit something Evil, and feel no Guilt. It might be Osama Bin Laden. Who knows?"

I guess my writing style eerily resembles my political thoughts now?  Except perhaps I would have Lex Zaleta blaring out of my speakers.  You know Lex Zaleta is one of the best songwriters in Bradley County, and his reputation will grow.  If you have not heard of him check him out at

Lex might even be a future winner of an Academy Award.  I wonder who will be the presenter or host?  I am guessing Chris Rock will not get a call again. No offense Lex, but I probably won't be watching.  Because I believe in equality of the races, I have to ask the question:  What straight white man sits there and watches the Oscars?   

Did I mention it was award season in Hollywood?  Wake me when it is over.

And the award goes to...         

  --J. C. Bowman is a public policy analyst who resides in Tallahassee, Florida. He can be reached by email at: