The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2008

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Summer Essentials

by B.J. Armstrong

June.... the first summer month. Kick off the month with a new pair of sunglasses and ten essentials for living the rest of the year. This is a continuation of May!

Breathe Deeply

After winter and spring.... it's time to take a deep breath for summer! Breathe deeply every day for good health. Be sure to stop and literally 'smell the roses.'
Eat Nutritiously

B J Armstrong

Start this month by planning healthier meals that include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
Drink Water

Make it a priority to drink plenty of water. It will nourish your body and help your skin in the process.
Enjoy Activity

This is a good time to begin planning activities with friends and family. This will keep you active and motivated throughout the summer months.

Sleep Peacefully

Designate a set bedtime and try to stick to it. This will help you to be a 'healthier you' so you enjoy all of the summer activities.
Be Forgiving

Begin June by forgiving someone or even yourself of a misdeed. You will be amazed by the good

feeling and freedom that follows.

Develop Acceptance

Recognize that you can't change what happened in 2007 or even last month. But, this month can be different if you just focus on what happens in the future.

Practice Gratitude

Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you so far this year. And be thankful.

Give and Receive Love

There is always someone in need of a hug or a gentle touch by telephone or note. Make it a point to find someone each month or perhaps each week to make contact. It might even be just a smile to a stranger.

Develop a Relationship with God

Make prayer a daily habit. This is a direct line to Him and life is so much better with God on our side.

The sun will be shining brightly this month, so get out the sunglasses. Of course, this is my clue to talk about 'eyes.' Being a person with so many eye problems, I just absorb information about the eyes. These are the only eyes you're going to get.... treat them well! Therefore, you need a health plan for protection.

1. Reduce Exposure to the Sun

Sunglasses protect your eyes. Studies have shown that wearing a hat and sunglasses when outdoors can dramatically reduce the risk of damage to your eyes.

2. Nutrition

Vitamins A, E, and C, healthy fats and the mineral Zinc can slow Macular Degeneration in people who have it and help protect those who do no have the disease. Lutein and eye vitamins will promote healthy eyes. To get vital nutrients, your body needs dark leafy green vegetables and cold-water fish. Don't forget the rabbit and carrots. By eating one medium carrot daily, you can get the recommended allowance of Vitamin A.

3. Eye Exams

Prevention is always the best medicine. By age 40, you need to have your eyesight checked regularly. If you detect any change whatsoever, go see your doctor.

Genetics, environment, and lifestyle lead to eye damage, so keep a check on all three of these. Women are more at risk than men. Also, white people tend to be more affected than other races.

"All things are possible until they are proved impossible.... even though the impossible may only be so, as of now." - Pearl S. Beck
