The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






Editorial for THE PEOPLE

What do you think?

editorial for The People by Pete Edwards

Republicrats fail

Republican leaders have lost their way, have forgotten what republican principles stand for, now believing government and Washington are the answer to the problem instead of being part of the problem. Republican leaders have ceased to have trust in the people of this great nation to point the way forward, and would rather place their allegiance to globalization and international political correctness than the warnings of their supporters. Republican leaders have become weak and untrustworthy, they have been easily sweet-talked by the socialist world around them. Republican leaders are for the most part corrupt and self-serving, a mirror image of their liberal democrat counterparts. Republican leaders are not seen as honest community servants but backroom dealing parasites squandering the public treasury, trading in pork and favors. In short, republican leaders are no longer real republicans at all.

Somehow true conservatives have allowed imposters to infiltrate the highest echelons of republican leadership - not only allowed them but helped them in the process.

It is even more noticeable at the local level. It is difficult to differentiate between a republican leader and the most liberal of liberals. Local republican leaders push for more and more government spending, increased socialized services which demand bigger and more intrusive government, just like the liberals. They use liberal university policy makers for guidance in solving local problems and enact laws and plan meetings that restrict the voter from being part of the governing process. They railroad through changes and increase spending over the objections of the people they are supposed to represent, just like the Democrats. They have their fingers in the cookie jar and waste public money, just like the Democrats.

Look at the Bradley County Republican Party - its leaders no more reflect grassroots republican values than Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton. Sure, at election time they sweet talk conservative voters and organize republican volunteers to do the grunt work to keep them in power, but at the same time are not really interested in what their supporters think or the concerns they have. The status-quo is what interests them and that is what they strive to protect.

Republican leaders in Bradley County are just as self-serving as their Washington masters. Any rank and file republican could list the GOP leaders that lack the republican

Pete Edwards
Editor - Publisher

"What do you think" Continued

values of smaller and less intrusive government and pubic policy guided by the people, but how many could they name that actively promote those values. Not many, if any - because there aren't any anymore, they are mostly closet liberals.

Republicanism needs to return to its former principles. Republicanism needs to be the catalyst for choosing leaders. Actions, not words or connections need to be the hallmark of a republican leader.

Conservatives in Bradley County have a golden opportunity to weed out the liberalized infiltrators and self-serving parasites that have waylaid the Republican party, but to do it, it is necessary to have complete faith in ordinary people power. All that is needed is a little courage and tenacity by the real republicans for great changes to be made and giant leaps forward for local and national republicanism - but can they do it?

Old fashioned republicanism is what made America great - new wave liberal republicanism is what is making America a second class socialist European clone and laughingstock of the world.

That's what I think. What do you think?

School closings

Working parents shudder when school closings are announced. Especially when they have young children at school who can't fend for themselves. There is a scramble to find someone to watch the kids while the parents are at work.

You can't expect students to travel in severe weather conditions, it would not be safe. I would not want my grandchildren to be exposed to unnecessary danger, but I have noticed a trend that has me concerned about when schools are closed for so-called snow days.

I have noticed that the day of the week when a closure occurs, seems to be more important than the actual weather conditions and that sometimes closures are planned to offer a long weekend for school employees rather than for the children's safety.

Have you ever noticed that snow days are invariably called at the end of the week or for the Monday and sometimes the Tuesday, almost never in the middle of the week, say on a Wednesday to return to school on a Friday. Please, someone correct me if I am mistaken, show me how many times a long weekend is not involved in school closings.

Unless the area is completely snowbound, most of us are expected to arrive at work as usual but in the school systems around the nation this is not so. In warmer climates schools are even closed because of the heat. That can't be right. Presumably it is just as hot at home as it is in school and many children travel without air conditioning in the car.

If my observations are correct, school closings are often used as an excuse not to work rather than to protect the children and someone needs to be held accountable.

That's what I think. What do you think?
