The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






CPD 64, Citizens of the Year

by Alexandra Edwards

Each year in January, The People News selects a person from the community that epitomizes all that is great about the citizens of Bradley County. The person chosen must possess qualities that enable him to place his neighbor above

himself, to serve the community without fanfare while displaying unusual courage and integrity. Labeled not as a man or a woman, or rich or poor; or black or white, or liberal or conservative, but as a selfless American protecting what is right.

The 2002, and first People News Citizen of the Year was Mel Griffith, for his unselfish commitment to serve his fellow Bradley Countian regardless of personal sacrifice. He is a tough act to follow, but even so, there were many fine and worthy candidates possessing these qualities in Bradley County including an obvious choice, councilman George Poe. But the 2003 outstanding citizen is not just one person but 64. They are the original 64 men and women of the Cleveland Police Department, who exhibited extreme courage and professionalism by demanding that inherent problems within the department be rectified for the good of the community. Even though their resoluteness eventually caused the resignation of Police Chief, Lee Reese, allowing for the department to steer a more stable course, it is not for this reason that they were chosen. They were chosen for the bravery, commitment to

law enforcement and pride of service they exhibited while facing possibly devastating retribution. They were cho-sen because they understood the dangers, that success was far from guaranteed and that there was a real possibility that some of them could lose their jobs. Despite this, they remained dignified and professional throughout the ordeal.

Well done CPD 64 you are a pride and example to us all.