The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Welfare Recipients and Genocide

Letter to the Editor:

I was profoundly moved by the Lt. Governor of South Carolina, Andre Bauer's, speech about not feeding strays or people, because feeding them causes them to breed.

I was moved to go vomit into my commode, to hear that he thinks genocide of a downtrodden group of people is okay. And starving women and children, who primarily fit into this category, is good politics. How far our nation and it's elected officials have come to think of themselves as God.

I see the same reasoning that great leader's, like Rome's Nero, and Germany's Hitler, in our leaders today. Genocide, insanity, above the law politics, financial destitution, and plain, good old fashioned stupidity. If our illustrious, South Carolina Lt. Governor wants to rid our country of the ills of Welfare, then I will vote for the starvation of men, starting with the leaders of our country and sports stars.

I don't know if you will agree with me, but I am tired of supporting men in government offices, who do little or nothing for extremely large welfare checks, their mistresses expenses, unclaimed children, and especially feeding them to continue breeding. Yes, gentlemen, if you curtailed your breeding activities we wouldn't have all these social problems.

For instance, if you look into the Welfare group you will notice it consists mostly of women and children. I can't imagine a woman wanting to live in sub-standard housing, eating from charity, clothing their children from thrift stores, waiting in long lines for HealthCare, and not being able to own a vehicle in order to go to work every day.

Yes, it is a woman's dream to be house-bound with the children men created every single day of her life, without a life-line of changing the circumstances. I am sure when she married, she promised to do this when her man deserted her and the children or refused to support them.

I am a woman like a lot of readers of this paper, and I see things a bit differently from Mr. Bauer, I think solving our social problems is one step away. If you are uncomfortable starving a group of men to death, then just castrate them.

Social Problem solved.

- Valerie Gamblin,
  Cleveland, TN


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