You Can't Wish for Change
Letter to the Editor:
Is there any doubt that Cleveland is a sanctuary for illegal aliens? We have a welcome center to show them how to rob taxpayers. We have a commission to force a sales tax on us through blackmail, or get a property tax increase to build more schools for illegal alien children.
One previous article stated that we had poor leadership, no leadership would be more accurate. Another article stated that a lady reported an illegal activity by an illegal alien to authorities, who in turn told the illegal the person's name and suggested that the illegal take out a harassment warrant on the lady, which they did.
Now knowing that, would anyone turn anyone in for anything? Probably not. Someone needs to inform those pinheads on the commissions we are in a recession that all experts predict will get worse. Apparently by spending your tax money they are unaware.
Who would want to be incorporated into this mess? If we had voted for the police chief instead of letting Rowland pick one we may have decent law enforcement in Cleveland, but then you people would continue to elect the same old rejects.
You can't wish for change, you have to make it. Notice how the commissioners have the attitude, take it and like it. Change it, or pay the price, your choice.
- Robert Lawson, Cleveland,TN