The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






Editorial for THE PEOPLE

What do you think?

editorial for The People by Pete Edwards

Fair share

As the result of annual audits we are hearing from both Cleveland City government and Bradley County that they are fiscally healthy and the financial future is looking good. This is encouraging news for county and city taxpayers and a reflection of what local government can achieve when they embrace fiscal responsibility demanded by voters.

Remember back a few years when both city and county legislative bodies were screaming for property tax increases, they predicted gloom and the collapse of the quality of life as we know it if they didn't get more money? The taxpayer replied with a resounding "no." Family budgets were already being looted by money hungry government spending and the citizens were tired of the cry for even more.  Cleveland power mongers were sent an unmistakable message - manage on what you have or lose political control. And the message seems to have got their attention because for the past three or four years any mention of a tax increase is treated as if it were the plague. Government will always contend that they don't have enough to supply basic services no matter how much they get and who's to blame them for wanting more. It's the responsibility of the taxpayer to keep them in check at the polls. But having said that, it is a testament to what department managers can achieve even with restricted budgets.

It is this editor's job to inform the public of waste and mismanagement but oftentimes hardworking back-room officials are betrayed by a few incompetent leaders. When the wasters are restrained, the backbone of government can come to the fore and show what they are made of. Look around - Cleveland, Charleston and the rural county have never looked so good. The condition of county roads is better than they've ever been and the quality of the workmanship and materials used has improved tenfold. County and city emergency services would be the envy of any community. Departments located in the Courthouse and city hall quietly and efficiently process thousands of customers year after year without praise. Building and permit services, while dealing with accelerated growth still manage to keep up. Parks and recreation, as if by magic, keep the grass mowed and public areas looking attractive without fanfare. City and county police officers keep our streets safe for our families day and night and our school systems supply better education opportunities for less per-student expenditure than many wealthier communities.

All-in-all local government services don't miss a beat, even with budget restraints, they tick along with the efficiency of a well designed timepiece. For the most part we can be proud of our professional civil servants and the work they do but we should never forget

Pete Edwards

"What do you think" Continued

that they will gladly accept all the funding we are prepared to allocate them. It is the voting taxpayer's responsibility to weed out wasteful spending at the polls and improve on and continue the value-for-money approach that has been so successful of late.

Some local departments are still gaining more than their fair share of the tax dollar pie. Are wasting money on unnecessary staff, technical improvements and building upgrades that often prove to be poor value for money and a drain on the community. But for the rest I say "you are doing an excellent job so keep up the good work."

That's what I think, what do you think?

More praise

A few years ago State Representative Dewayne Bunch ticked me off for sneakily trying to use legislation to destroy the Bradley News Weekly and restrict the publication of The People News while protecting the government media mouthpiece, the Cleveland Daily Banner. Bunch and State Senator Jeff Miller were quietly proposing a private act in the form of a litter tax on Bradley County free newspapers for the sole purpose of running them out of business. It was a stupid and career damaging proposal for both of them because newspaper publishers tend to have a long memory when a politician tries to screw them.

This time though, this editor is going to make an exception on the part of Representative Bunch. As some of you may know, Bunch has been fighting tooth and nail for meaningful ethics legislation but you should also know he is ruffling a few feathers by not giving in to the powers-that-be in Nashville. They are trying to whitewash ethics legislation to appear effective but essentially allowing business as usual. It won't come as any surprise that most of the big-boys on capital hill are crooks and have always been crooks. It's just that they have never been held accountable to the law before and they want to keep it that way. And the lobbyists for the most part, find it easier to deal with crooks so they don't want their antics restricted either. The powerful Tennessee Chamber of Commerce, who have never promoted a level playing field are aggressively opposing change. They all like it the way it's always been - crooked.

Bunch on the other hand proposes lobbying restrictions that would end bribery with gifts such as lavish entertainment, sports tickets and holiday junkets. His idea of honest government ensures equal access to legislators for the professional lobbyist and the ordinary citizen alike. I must say that if Bunch sticks to his guns and doesn't sell out, he may not realize his dream of honesty in the state legislature but it will improve his stature with me. Let us all pray for him to have the courage and determination to beat the odds and succeed in this important endeavor.

That's what I think, what do you think?

Elect or appoint - that is the question?

This month the Bradley County Board of Education voted on a resolution that essentially denies the voter's right to pick and choose. The resolution was to officially request the state legislature to continue the present method by which the school superintendent is appointed by the school board and not elected by the voters. Parents, teachers and concerned citizens throughout the state are demanding a return to an elected superintendent to remove cronyism from education.

In Bradley County, present Superintendent of Schools Bob Taylor, who was appointed, has been involved in political intimidation of public officials. He has orchestrated public meetings into a media circus using school faculty and PTO members to push for tax increases. He was a lead player in scandals involving overspending and poor quality control of new school facilities. He has attempted to restrict information to the press and been accused of favoritism in promoting staff.

School Board Chairman Troy Weathers, is quoted as saying "I've served under both systems, and I think this (hiring directors) is the best system for education. It protects education in Bradley County."

Weathers was part of Taylor's media circus entourage and tried to help cover up over spending and defective workmanship during the construction of the $27 million Walker Valley High School. Now he is trying to convince the legislature to ensure Taylor remains unaccountable to the voting public. Also recommending an appointed superintendent were Mark Grissom, Dr. Richard Baker and Dr. Eddie Duncan. Dr. Mel Griffith opposed the resolution while Terry McGuire and Tom Cassada passed on the vote.

There is a cloud over the performance of Taylor as superintendent which should be settled in the voting booth. For Weathers and the other members of the school board to attempt to protect Taylor from a concerned citizenry reflects poorly on the whole system.

Weathers talks the talk about children and education but is concerned little for either when his buddy's job is at stake. After all, if Taylor is the best man for education in Bradley County it will be obvious to the voter. If not Weathers is not only denying parents a direct voice but is denying education the best we can offer.

That's what I think, what do you think?

"What do you think?" Continued

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