The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

AUGUST  2010

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Why Vote?

by June Griffin

The current Tea Party movement and a lot of Republicans are remonstrating all to vote. It seems that millions have quit voting and every election there are those wringing their hands saying that only a certain percentage even bother to vote.

In the first place, voting is not a Right; it is a Privilege. There is no mandate to vote and the wisdom of the forefathers required that only those with property should vote because they must not be voting to dip into the public treasury, but only to maintain liberty to their property from intrusions by nosey and vested interest politicians.

I am certain as I can be that some should not be allowed to vote. Voting yourself largesse from the public treasury disqualifies one to vote with integrity. What interest do these have in liberty or indeed, what interest except to gain what wealth you may have collected or that they may confiscate by legal plunder? Some vote because one is good looking or has a family or perhaps belongs to their club. High standards indeed for voting one into an important political position!

These leeches are not the topic of this column, but by and large, they are now the voters. These were the ones who elected this current administration and who are the envious. Those who vote special interest should be disfranchised.

No, at this juncture, I speak of the vast multitude who have become exasperated with voting, who for years plodded to the polls, facing the same elected politician's song, then gave up, went into hiding, took their guns and groceries and headed for the hills years ago. Why did they do this?

This columnist began running for office in the 60's when the United States was turned into hell. Done with the same old political garbage put out by the standard parties, she ran on the American Party for State Representative, and has since run as an Independent and Republican for nearly every political office. In this period of time, we have seen good men imprisoned for refusing to pay income tax, we have seen the BATF run wild, those who exercised teir Second Amendment Rights shot down in cold blood, hundreds burned alive, thousands of school teachers whose souls were destroyed because they could not say a simple prayer, the hauling away and confiscating of God's Law by licentious legal groups who hate God and our Biblical heritage, businesses have shut down en masse because they were forced to hire the pets of The System, Social Security TAXED as if were income, unheard-of requirements stuck to government grants in a mandated economy which is built on sand, and Fear of Liability testifies that there is no justice in the American Courts. Newfangled laws have created a newfangled criminal: so-called 'hate crimes' which are intended to swell the bureaucracies, entire industries abandon this nation to run to foreign countries - running from the swelling paperwork and professional aggravators of EPA, OSHA, HUD, HEW, IRS, ACLU, and poll-parrot agencies from the States plus the oppressions of an envious employee whose guardian was the hitman of the labor unions. Other factories merely shut their doors while the pensions and hopes of faithful employees vanished into thin air. And what of the thousands of good, fundamental churches and their Bible prophets, robbed and closed because they wouldn't knuckle to Lyndon Johnson's 501-c-3 mandates which shut the mouths of these preachers of righteousness; many churches were actually surrounded by government agents, their preachers pulled out into the streets, and their Christian schools and property confiscated or closed. What of the State agencies who jailed good men like Evangelist Lester Roloff because he stuck with the Scriptures and taught the orphans or abandoned ruffians the Bible - sent to jail and his homes padlocked and the children put out to pasture in the name of "child welfare," while private property has fallen under the iron hand of "zoning and planning boards." We will not forget the fine property owners of Bradley County who gathered to try to keep their property from 'zoning,' all to no avail, under the threat of Planner Amy Conley who boldly stated: "Then we will force you." Dare I even mention the abandonment of the POW's in foreign lands, whose souls and bodies were tortured and destroyed because their country was having a big party, building shopping centers, making treaties and turning their backs on these faithful soldiers!!! Is there more? Oh, yes, so much more.

Voting? Why vote? Who would you vote for who would not increase the tyranny and oppression?

But now, we call those true Americans out from hiding - come out and help those of us who refused to quit, who faced the virtual firing squads called Courts, invasions from foreigners and worst of all, the wrath of Almighty God for abandonment of the holiness and sovereignty of these United States. Go register again to vote, for the Jonah's are saying that the destruction is coming in November if we don't vote in Americanism, one nation, under God. This is it, folks. You are not ready for what is to come; the birthday-party days are over; the fun and games and bread and circuses, the vacations to the beaches and resorts, the unholy alliances, big trips to Vegas - all this is over.

Pay attention, you Americans who know our God and our history, register to vote and pray and repent. As for the leechcraft and sticky finger crowd, let me sing you a little song: "...Lullaby and good night..."


June Griffin