I always considered myself to be able to handle just about anything this old world could throw at me, but my editor would tell you differently, (he says I'm a "softy"). We'll see.
In the mean time, here's where things stand with me now. I will be changing my name back to my maiden name, Tonya Brantley. And as it just so happens, the managing editor of the Bradley News Weekly is also a Brantley. Daniel and I are distant cousins somewhere along the line. Brantley isn't a very common last name, but its one I'm proud of.
I'm not going to use this column as a source to vent my frustrations, as I don't think it would be fair to you, the readers, if I did so. I don't want to lose track of what is truly relevant.
So with these new changes in my life, its time I reevaluate my priorities. I'm learning to see each issue I face as an opportunity to grow. Whether in my personal life, or in my professional life, I am ready, able and willing to take on the challenges I may face in the future. After all, "Life is a test, it is only a test. Had this been a real life, you would have been instructed where to go and what to do."