The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

AUGUST  2008

                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Why do the people in Washington
seem to be turning a deaf ear?

Dear Editor,

I was fortunate to be able to go to the first permanent settlement in the United States and enjoy the Fourth of July. My daughter and two grandsons shared the journey with me, and it was wonderful to explore the beginnings of our Great Country in Jamestown settlement, and James Town proper.

While visiting the buildings and artifacts, I was overcome with pride at the accomplishments a small group of people were able to make. We visited York Town and Colonial Williamsburg. What a wealth of history we discovered.

I look across our country today and see the enormous number of people afraid, just like they must have been in James Town. They are afraid of much of the same things. They are afraid they won't have food, shelter, or a way to ilk out a living. They are afraid of the people who represent their government, as their liberties and rights are being pilfered away from them.

The men and women, who came to Jamestown, were strong people, just like Americans today. Those men and women fought to stay alive, and I see loyal Americans fighting to keep their country alive. But lately, I have been asking myself,"Why do the people in Washington seem to be turning a deaf ear? Surely they are not ignorant to the rumblings of the populace."

When there is a problem, there is a cause and a result. We have a problem, but most people don't understand the cause and most people don't understand where it is leading. Now why would our government want us to be in the dark about the cause and the result?

On one hand, we could have used up our natural resources and are now dependent on the natural resources and labor of other countries. We could be hiding the fact, so we can continue to exploit them. What would you do with a country that is used up and worthless? Sell it off piece by piece, leave open borders so millitant groups can take over, ignore it's citizens and let them fend for themselves, grab the bucks and run? I think we have seen all these actions take place not so very long ago. It could be, we have consumed ourselves into oblivion. And I don't blame Americans for being consumers. We were programmed into consuming by advertising of big money corporations.

On the other hand, I keep asking myself,"Why would people, who are proficient in finance, allow our country to financially fail?" What would be the result of the United States financially failing?" The government would fail, people would be homeless and starving, total chaos would result. Who would want total chaos and why? If our government failed, then a new regime would begin, and perhaps not democracy. Perhaps the USA would be home to a new global government, with a new global economy, and a new monetary system. Chaos is a symptom of change, and we are in the throes of chaos.

Yes, Americans are fearful, with good reason. Just like the people in Jamestown, they are facing the unknown. Americans are not safe from attack, are jobless, homeless, and are seeing their monetary system fail. Whatever the reason the result will be the same, change.

- Valerie Gamblin, Cleveland, TN


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