The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

AUGUST  2007

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







High Blood Pressure

by B.J. Armstrong

High blood pressure is a "silent killer." For that reason it may not show any symptoms. It is important to take your medication. Your condition can worsen if you do not follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Your doctor may want to check you regularly to estimate your condition. Make sure you follow the instructions as directed by your doctor.

Blood pressure is the force in your arteries when your heart beats (systolic blood pressure) and when your heart is at rest (diastolic blood pressure.) For

B J Armstrong

various reasons your blood vessels can become tight and narrow. These changes can cause the blood to press on the vessel walls with extra force. When the force (your blood pressure) exceed a certain level and stays there it's called high blood pressure.

In addition to healthy eating and taking your medication, you can take advantage by adding a supplement to your diet. Here are a few suggestions:

*Vitamin E - Prevents change in blood vessels
*Beta Carotene - Produces vitamin A.
*Vitamin C - Good protection
*Magnesium - Reduces blood pressure.

This is a small list (no means complete) but helpful for blood pressure. Also I stress the importance of daily exercise. Exercise will reduce your blood pressure causing blood vessels to dilate.

Right now there's no known cause for high blood pressure - but the following factors may put you at risk:


*Eating too much salt
*Drinking too much alcohol
*Lack of physical activity
*African American race
*Family history of high blood pressure
*Over the age of 35
Talk to your doctor today about ways to improve your overall health.
High blood pressure requires medication. Exercise and a

healthy diet also helps. You might want to consider trying the following list of one, two, or three or all of them:

*Read the Bible - especially the Psalms
*Deep breathing
*Take a bath
*Take a walk
*Hug your pet

*Work out, exercise
*Take a vacation
*Paint draw, or play an instrument
*Get a massage
*Write in a journal
*Talk to trusted friends, pastor, or counselor
*Listen to music