The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

APRIL  2003

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Hogs And Liberal Socialist Democrats

There are three things that Hogs don't know and liberal Socialist Democrats don't either.
First, "Hogs don't know that hogs stink." The hog thinks all of that mud, filth and corruption he is wallowing in is great. The mixture of feces and rotting food scraps being stomped down into the mud and then that slime covering his body seems a good thing to him. That is his values. It's not that the hog can't smell the stench, it's just that he has lived in and eaten from that pollution for so long that to him, it's normal. The idea that one should not want to walk through the foul mixture, much less eat it, is beyond the hog's comprehension. The hog can't understand why the rest of us are repulsed by the smell of rottenness coming from his hog pen. The hog has never stopped to think that there might be a better way and that others may not want to live like he does. The hog is not blind. He can see that the other animals don't live like he does, he just doesn't consider the possibility of living any differently than he does now. In fact, the hog thinks things would be even better if everyone enjoyed the glutinous, putrid quagmire that he loves so much. There would be that many more hogs to add their own particular donation to the morass. If it were left up to the hogs, the whole world would be made into one great big hog pen. Is it just me or is there anyone else who can see the parallel between the hog's attitude and the liberal, Socialist Democrats' leadership problems? Hogs don't know that hogs stink, and liberals can't understand why everybody don't think just like them. They love and want the whole world to wallow in the rotting morass and putrid filth of Socialism and communism. I for one am not going to let the hogs of Socialist liberalism drag me down to the hog pen of communism and one world government. I was born a free American and I will die as one.
Second, "Hogs don't know that it's wrong to eat their young." An old sow will have a litter of pigs and just pick out some or all of them to eat. Likewise, the boar will get to the young pigs and kill and eat them too. Hogs think that it is just fine to capitalize on their progeny that way. Hogs think that the little pigs are put here for their emotional compensation and physical gratification. You know, to make their life better. If hogs think at all this must be what they are thinking because of the way they treat the little hogs. If you mess with her young, an old sow will attack you. Not because she loves her young, but because they are "hers." (She will turn right around the next day and eat the one she just fought over the day before.) Not only will she eat her young, but an old sow will roll over and crush her litter while enjoying the filth of the pen. A hog farmer spends many hours being very careful to protect the little hogs from the grown hogs. Sounds a lot like the rest of us trying to protect children from Planned Parenthood, NOW, NEA, Pro-Choice America, the ACLU and the rest of the liberal vermin who prey on and make sustenance out of defenseless children. I suspect that all the noise made by these groups about child welfare, medical care etc. is just the same noise you hear when you are taking little pigs away from the sow. It's because they won't have them to exploit any more.
Last, "Hogs don't know if they can change or not." Most don't know because they think they don't need to change. And they are probably right. They really can't change because they're Hogs! You can wash a hog, paint his hooves, perfume and powder him, put him in a five hundred dollar suit and you still got a hog. The Bible says, "But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." (II Peter 2:22)
There is no hope for hogs. They are all headed for the fire. But there is hope for, at least some, liberal, Socialist Democrats. Only GOD can change them. That is what I keep praying for. Please LORD, help them "come to their right mind." and get out of the hog pen.

by Greg Cain