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Of Bradley County Tn.







The Tennessee Mockingbird

Dead Men Don't Dream

by June Griffin

The famed 19th century Methodist commentator, which was noted as the "prince of commentators," Adam Clarke, once stated that it is as superstitious to deny all dreams as it is to believe all dreams.

In this superficial age of Sadducees, it is well to turn back to what the Holy Scriptures teach. All kinds of people have dreams; one doesn't have to be a Christian to have a dream or vision in the night. Certainly Pharaoh or Nebuchadnezzar were not Christians or believers in the Almighty God, yet when they dreamed what they knew to be troubling dreams, they recognized there was something of a portent in them for their advisement.

How many tragedies might have been avoided had leaders been aware or fearful of what the Lord showed in a deep sleep! Wise men of all ages have paid attention to the Lord's visitation and wise men of all ages have also called on holy people for interpretation. For as in the case of aforementioned worldly leaders, their wise men and sorcerers used tricks and deception to hope their predictions may come to pass. So the Daniels and Josephs were ultimately called on the scene to give accurate meanings.

How many good people, or bad people for that matter, dreamed, for example, what might happen to the World Trade Center? Or even told among their friends and associates of their nightly visitations and warnings from God what would happen in New York. But the Reverend Learned Elder pHd Scientist has stood in the way with his magic charms, stating that it was probably something one ate or something seen previously and really, there was nothing to what one saw in the dream.

How, then, may we, who have been so well educated and have been subjected to every form of materialism and means of explaining away may we know or be accurate when we have a dream? It has been my observation that so many skeptics who mock others' dreams will start right up if they dream!

The only true way to know if a dream is from God or other sources is to turn to the Scriptures. Deuteronomy 13 plainly tells what to believe or what not to believe. In simple vernacular, if one dreams a dream that is contrary to God's Will, it is not to be believed. Even if there is proof that the thing may come to pass, it is God Who brings it to pass to prove who will follow His Word or not. The Lord is faithful to prove who knows Him or follows His Commands. For example, if one would dream of stealing another's goods in order to further some good cause, that is not God's Will, for it is written: Thou shalt not steal. And "God hates robbery for burnt offering." So we know that all prognostications which plainly violate God's written Word are not to be believed, even though surrounding circumstances may look favorable.

We know that dreams of the taking another's property by law - all in the name of "doing good - are contrary to God's Will, for it is written - thou shalt no remove thy neighbors landmark. So if some great leader would state that he had a dream of overthrowing the natural Rights of any people and using emotion to create a great movement for Communism, just to 'help out,' that person is a deceiver and a liar, and his dream is not from God.

History, written or oral, secular or sacred, is replete with visitations from the Lord. Both Testaments verify this to be true and close conversations with the people bear witness to those who have been warned by dreams that they knew to be of God, and have been saved from destruction or God's Providence.

Who then is wise or stupid? The one who denies all dreams or one who looks to God's Word or to God's people for interpretation?

The Scriptures also verify that when the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead men into all truth. The spirit of lies which deny revelation and God's Hand in the earth and His Creation will tremble on that day when young men dream dreams and old men see visions! Is that day not very near?

Only those who are spiritually alive dream, but occasionally a dead one may be awakened from his spiritual slumber and then, what an awakening!


"She dipped her pen in

June Griffin