The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird


By June Griffin

The primary elections behind, let us reflect.

Once a Mockingbird ran for office since she knew what being endowed by her Creator would mean to her generation. Mockingbirds are sometimes low on funds and pick up crumbs from rich men's picnic tables and flit here and there the best they can, while singing their particular song or mocking others to perfection.

The last three weeks of the political campaign revealed a new problem. Certain efficiency experts had decided that folks needed to vote early to avoid long lines and to help out election officials. This beautiful stumblingblock kicked the best three weeks of campaigning in the head. That is the best time for greeting voters, and greeting voters AFTER THEY HAD VOTED often made them sorry to hear it was too late to

June Griffin

vote for this better candidate. This stupid move for "efficiency" cost many votes.

An efficient government is very dangerous.

She also discovered many who gave up voting or just don't care.

In a wonderful old reprint of the lives of Sarah Lankford and Phoebe Palmer, early Methodists who were instrumental in the great revival of holy living in the 19th century, Phoebe said when she consecrated her life to the Lord that she resolved to do her duty even though it cost her life.

This stunning reality makes Tennessee Mockingbirds very sober. Did she not teach a lesson in the Sunday worship service "The High Price of Unbelief." Doing your duty destroys laziness. Many people look for excuses to GET OUT of doing their duty, using subtle means to manipulate others to do their duty for them, but duty to God and Country is so great, or doing one's duty in little things at home or in a marriage - who can gainsay this truth?

Mockingbirds always open the morning with a song and a prayer. Her first thought following the election regarded the sad reality that she lost. She had wanted to do good and right, to rectify wrongs and exactions on good Americans. But immediately, Christ the Creator, the Comforter caused her to pour out praises to the Lord, praises of thanksgiving for BEING ABLE to do her duty, to run for office, having the privilege of holding the high title of Notary Public, the high privilege of being an American...her heart was overflowing with praise to God for "Birth and Education in a Christian land," though the lamp of liberty is burning very low.

Losing an election is good for your character; it tries the stuff you are made of. All kinds of thoughts run through your head, that of being beat, when all your intentions were noble and good, your investment in time and money, tears and hope - was this all in vain? Your losses are all public now and the rejection of Americans for whom you have prayed is the roughest disappointment of all. You made a great sacrifice yet they have voted themselves personal benefits from the public treasury, public insurance, public assistance, public jobs, never thinking that their economic windfall came from citizens whose money is withheld before they ever see it, their income extorted under the threat of a hard-hearted, constitutionally ignorant, unrighteous federal judge, who will blithely consign you to prison for resisting this ordained realize that their personal gain meant more than the payment made by soldiers and lovers of liberty from 1620 - it is indeed an astonishment! A true horror!

The Scriptures come to your mind: "children in whom is no faith, therefore they are not my children..." Such condemnation! Having no faith means God disowns us!

But what shall be done of the 3,551 voters who DID vote for you? Is there not integrity here? Are they not worth your life? What is the value of the American, God-fearing soul anyway? Here your value chart rights itself and you may hear what The Lord said of the woman with the alabaster box: "She hath done what she could."

"Whatsoever things are just.....think on these things." And perhaps the next time...