by June Griffin
Before the Dark Ages of the last 40 years, all church folks knew the name Charles Finney. His fame as an Evangelist was known everywhere. He was a household word. Formerly a highly successful lawyer, he was schooled in the legal authority of Blackstone and his famous commentaries. No lawyer is properly educated who ignores Blackstone.
It was Blackstone who said: "The Law of Nature, dictated by God Himself, is superior to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries and at all times. No human laws are of any validity if contrary to this, and such of them as are valid derive all their authority mediately and immediately upon this original. Upon these two foundations, the Law of Nature and the Law of Revelation, depend all human laws. Human laws are only declaratory of and act in subordination to the Divine Law."
The Ancient of Days has spoken.
How dangerous to unscrupulous, ungodly law schools to study Blackstone. It seems that Charles Finney the Lawyer read Blackstone and found so many Scriptures written in his work that he was ultimately converted and lit a flame of righteousness across the nation, reforming all who met him. Like Patrick Henry, he wasn't an actor. His convictions were real and grounded in truth.
How deadly is Blackstone to law schools who are filled with idolaters who worship their own image! How tedious to the mind to have to think and study. Rather to be entertained by erstwhile collegiate comedians who mock good law and amuse their devotees. Standing outside the classroom of a highly intellectual, expensive law school in Atlanta, one can hear the ridicule of good law and laughter provoked by jokes about our holy American ordinances. How really stupid! "Thinking themselves wise, they became fools."
A U.S. Congressman was once asked whose law would govern this world economy of which he dreamed. Would it be the law of the Talmud, the twisted corruption of codes and pragmatism which follows the mind, not of Moses of the Scriptures, but Moses Maimonides? Would it be the Koran which, like the other corrupted laws, allows one to lie in certain circumstances? The Books of the Dead, the laws of spirit-dead priests and kings, monarchies, oriental oligarchies, the savages? Would it be Title 42 which hates God's Commandments and takes away property rights? Would it be the UN international law of the Sandra Day O'Connors?
There was no reply. Taxpayers are not to ask such questions. They are to shut up and pay the bills.
The American Bar Association is the kiss of death to righteousness. Like all brotherhoods and clubs of power, Integrity is booed by peer pressure from the prince of the power of the air of Professional Imagery. Good lawyers fear the ACLU; good and bad together ultimately fear the IRS.
Escaping professional entrapment is a quality to be greatly admired in this vain age. Grainger County, Tennessee is the home of such a great lawyer. Commenting on the Ten Commandments Resolution presented to that Commission some time ago, this lawyer spoke up and said, in so many words, that he had hundreds of law books in his study, yet the Ten Commandments of God were greater in summary, power and content than all the rest. Here is a wise lawyer, a good lawyer. The Resolution passed without a hitch.
The Royal Law of God, upon which our American Republic was built and which is reflected in our good ordinances, has wonderful fallout. Once a Sheriff in Bledsoe County was searching for a certain criminal. All human efforts failed. This Sheriff closed his door, got down on his knees and asked the God of our Fathers to show him where this perpetrator was. Shortly thereafter, he was led to the place and the man was brought to justice. God's will was done.
Once a young lawyer was sitting beside a certain columnist in the Jake Butcher trial. He was shown the Scripture where it stated that Christ was the Express Image of Himself. He was told that Christ was not an Actor, but a True Lawyer.
"How can I be anything else? We are trained to act." He said.
I rest my case.