The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






Jennifer's Corner

Four legs good, two legs bad!

by Jennifer Bowman

It seems that certain members of America's beloved, fair, and just judicial system (that was sarcasm) have decided THEY were the legislators!  Oh boy! 

It gets worse and worse every time I watch the news.  The California Election was almost delayed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, who stated, "The election cannot proceed as scheduled because some votes would be cast using outmoded punch-card ballot machines."  Oh, please.  Gray Davis himself got elected using the same ballot machines.  It's just coincidence that he cares about it as soon as it's his job on the line.  Luckily, Californians aren't -as- dumb as we make them out to be, and the election is going on as scheduled.

The recall election in California doesn't really bother me.  While it is a lot more interesting than anything else happening in the news lately, it doesn't affect me personally, so why should I care?
For one, the same 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is the same liberal court that said the words "under God" must be stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance because of the 1st Amendment.

Now, my friends, here I will state our wonderful 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Do you see anything about the separation of church and state?  I certainly don't.  And the connection our wonderful judicial system gets from it saddens me.  Since when did they get to decide, anyway?

It seems that liberals have stopped caring about the will of the people.  Instead of actually listening to the 77% of the people who said they thought the federal courts were wrong in removing the Ten Commandments from Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore's courtroom, they are joining up with their friends from the ACLU and turning to the liberal courts to get whatever law they feel the need to impose upon the American people passed.

First of all, the Ten Commandments in the courtroom were there as a MONUMENT.  It is a monument to one of the oldest systems of laws in history.  Just because it happens to be in the Bible -oh, and the Torrah and Quran too- it is dubbed religious and must be banned.  Do you remember what happened when the Soviet Union tried to ban all religion?  Oops, apparently not, because the Soviet Union is no more! 

Thomas Jefferson predicted that judges would not uphold the original intent of the Constitution and saying that the U.S. risked the "tyrannical" fads of a "a despotic branch."  Obviously, he was right.  We see the judicial system twisting the law to their own personal beliefs more and more now. 

Did any of you ever read the great book by George Orwell, "Animal Farm"?  The laws that were painted on the Farm were rewritten every time the Pigs wanted to do something else.   

I'm afraid if the country stays in this pattern, we will find ourselves bleating out "Four legs good, two legs better!" pretty soon.

Jennifer Bowman