The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.







The Tennessee Mockingbird

Why Do You Yet Hope?

by June Griffin

Many Americans and Patriots, coming upon this election, have declared that if the current so-called President goes back into the White House, that our nation is over - that there will be no more United States as we have known it and what persecution will ensue can only bring disaster to this dear country.

This Author does not hold those views. The Apostle Peter told us to be ready to give an answer for the reason of the hope that lies within us. There is great reason for hopelessness, for sure. For all the great sins of our country, from the worship of other gods in Hollywood and entertainment, for all the wanderings and apathy toward our history, for the rapture and glamour of wicked actors, for toleration of all sorts of legal theft, gambling, alcohol, drugs, for involvement with schools which are Anti-Christ and secular, for toleration of socialism, for desecration of the Lord's Day until one can hardly tell one day from the next, in contrast to a time when all the stores were closed on Sunday, for slandering our neighbors, for profanity in our conversations, for toleration of breaking all God's Commandments. These things are real and hateful transgressions of God's Express Commandments to "be ye holy as I am holy." God's Wrath would justly be poured out upon such crimes. And this applies to this country called the United States of America.

Why should we yet hope for continuation of these blood-bought liberties when the people have committed all the above sins and put to silence faithful prophets and preachers like Lawrence B. Hicks, the great Nazarene Orator, and the faithful and persecuted Baptist evangelists like Lester Roloff, among thousands of others who have warned of "things to come." Readers of this column will be quick to mention names of the multitude of faithful Bible preachers who have been silenced from declaring the truth of II Chron. 7:14 and Deuteronomy 28.

This November 22nd is the annual commemoration of our original day of Thanksgiving when the Pilgrims overthrew their covenant with hell and rejected the "Christian" commune notion in favor of free enterprise. A web search into The Tenn. Mockingbird, People News - Pilgrims Free Themselves from Communism, Establish Individual Enterprise
will give details of this marvelous beginning to our nation. Rush Limbaugh, radio host, for several years has broadcast this wonderful account over his program at Thanksgiving

It is the earnest hope of this columnist that every person would read the entire book, Of Plimouth Plantation, to get a notion of our great and spiritual beginnings, and our perpetual Deuteronomy 28 Covenant, so aptly summed up in the Mayflower Compact. These principles and precepts are ensconced in our national Constitution, and reflected in Art. 6, Sect. 1 of that magnificent national bond.

Deut. 28, upon which early Presidents were sworn into office with a sacred oath, plainly states the blessings and curses relating to our obedience or disobedience. Gov. Bradford, recognizing the sovereignty of Almighty God, and His Willingness to listen to man's reasonable arguments, puts forth the elements of what is written in the 9th Chapter of Deuteronomy. Bradford stated that it was not for the righteousness of their people, for they were a stiffnecked people, but for the "Promise to the fathers," and for the wickedness of our enemies, God would preserve us a nation and drive out our enemies.

Upon that same premise, we may yet hope, and that is, that the Lord would make plain what His Will is in obedience and returning to the God of our Fathers, that He will sanctify those people in this nation who have sighed and cried for all the abominations that have taken place in the last 40 years, that though they are personally sinful yet they despise the overthrow of righteousness in high places, the ordering out God's Law from public places, in forbidding public prayer, in forbidding Bible reading (woe to such Judges!) and other practices which have been normal and ordinary since our beginning, for the secularism and promotion of evolution, psychology, and Communism in education, for the treason against our holy Bill of Rights, and political collaboration with nations which despise our liberties...all these things have grieved the vast majority of Americans, and they have continually voted and looked for relief and found none. These are No. 1 category. They will be dealt with as the children of Israel were dealt with under the leadership of Moses and Joshua. And in their trouble, they always return to the Scriptures of their God for help and consolation, for His Mercy Endureth Forever!

Secondly, God made certain promises to those who founded this nation, either through preaching or politics, statesmanship or salvation. Such notable and mighty men as Circuit Preacher Lorenzo Dow, the great Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln - all these men stated plainly that this nation would never be destroyed. Based on the Promise to the Fathers and the Incarnate Word of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. This has been proven true in every crisis we have faced throughout our nearly 400 year history, from 1620 to this day.

Thirdly, there are nations and people who hate our liberties, who are the arm of the Destroyer, who wish and work that we may never exist again. Their envy and hatred is such that they have infiltrated the presses, the political high places, the universities, the law schools, the  seminaries - these are enemies of our liberty and envy what the Lord has done for the United States, particularly regarding our great benevolence. Their dedication is to tear up all the underpinnings of our founders' dependency on the Bible - they indeed despise the Bible and not only want it removed from its sacred highness, but, lacking the power to cause its rejection, mock it and attempt to demean its inspired Status by every means possible.

These will fail, though they may rage like Bunyan's dogs. You people of this great country must beg God for His Mercy and come Thanksgiving, throw out the television, read "Pilgrims Free Themselves from Communism; Establish Individual Enterprise," by Hosmer and let your tears run down for the state in which we find ourselves. He is Just and Holy and echoing the words of Paul and Luther: "The just live by faith."

As for those who are in the third category, our God will "repay you to your face." "It is time for the Lord to work for they have made void His Law." And all the people said: "Amen."


"She dipped her pen in

June Griffin