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Of Bradley County Tn.








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My Fellow Patriots

Letter to the Editor:

There comes a time when a people must dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and get back to basics. The American two party system is cancerous and it is killing America. When cancer is malignant there is only one treatment, cut it out!

It is time for a new American Revolution and the grass roots of America must rise up and remove any national, state, county or city elected official that is a party member of any party. Then only elect people who have no association to any political party to represent them in these offices. When doctors cut into a malignant cancer their main objective is to get rid of all of it. That is what the above will do.

The cause of the cancer is the Federal Reserve which is owned by the international moneychangers. For America to become what our founders believed it could become we have to get back to basics. Kill the bank again as Jackson did. Nationalize all twelve of their banks in order to keep the system working. The U.S. Treasury dept will then create our money needs without further debt resulting in full employment for everyone who wants to work. To protect our work tariffs should be erected to levels where nothing can come into America cheaper than we can make it.

Revoke all free trade deals. Disconnect from the World Trade Organization, the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund. Over the past few years, China and other emerging powers such as Russia have been making agreements to move away from the US dollar in international trade. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) also plan to start using their own currencies when trading with each other. Russia and China have been using their own national currencies when trading with each other for more than a year. We should join them in doing this.

Using U.S. dollars as the world's form of trade payments was set into action by the international moneychangers with the goal of eventually having a one world currency under their control.

At the same time we need to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the seventeenth amendment; dissolve the IRS because there will be no need for personal or corporate income taxes which will take away the strength of the tax free foundations that have been controlled by the international moneychangers as a means to alter society and cause wars.

Return America To Excellence

Tom Millican
Conover, NC

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