hunting. Some people feel that it is a cruel and primitive form of recreation. Some people feel it is more humane to take an animal down in the wild for food rather than have it be raised in unnatural factory conditions and if you have a nice rack to mount after the feast, all the better. Personally, in the past I have agreed with the latter opinion. I felt that there needed to be a form of population control for this prolific animal that, at this time in its natural history, no longer has many predators such as wolves. I felt it was up to us. That is until it was pointed out to me that when deer were naturally preyed upon, it was the young, the old, the sick, or the weak that the predator took down. Today, hunters seek the biggest, strongest, most beautiful buck with the biggest rack. In light of this, I have to ask what we are doing to the gene pool of the species. We are not weeding out the sick and the weak, but the strongest and healthiest.
This season, after the "rutting moon," you may hear what you think is the grunting or growling of a bear. But it is more likely that what you hear is the rut cry of a buck. If you do hear this, stand back, for this hormonal animal might believe you are there to thin out his gene pool and take issue with you as well.