The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Living out your Dream

by June Griffin

A certain candidate for office recently spoke at Lee College. She opened her talk by saying that she would hate to have enough self confidence that she had no need of the Lord. Yet that is the goal of most modern education, to instill enough self confidence so that God is not needed. The name for this state of mind is Humanism, the element that debauched Greece and promoted the vanities of Plato the Communist.

"One small leap for man, one  giant leap for mankind," said  Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon. Quite a contrast to the words of Samuel Morse, who when transmitting the first telegraphic sound, said: What hath God wrought!" Quite a contrast,

Wehrner Von Braun was quoted as saying that one of the purposes of the space program  was to  "free the human spirit." Free it from what, Herr Von Braun? As a former  member of Hitler's Nazi party, and technical director of Germany's enormous rocket weapons program and  planner for the destruction of New York City during WW II, how did he come to such glory as the mastermind of our space program? It seemed he wanted to live out his dream.

As a child, it is told that he dreamed of exploring the mysteries of outer space.  Now if you were a child and had such a dream, how on earth would you carry it out in reality.  Well, it seemed that national boundaries didn't bother Mr. Von Braun, is it Dr. Von Braun? And even the fact that his country had the blood of untold thousands of our veterans evidently didn't matter.

Word is that certain contractual agreements were made with NASA in that the space program was never to be used for defense of our country! Who would ever agree to such treason, when it is US dollars that funded the whole affair?

Politics makes strange bedfellows.  Mr. Von Braun's dream fabricated NASA, the biggest WPA  program ever, utilizing American tax money to fund this global lollipop. How this all came about gives us pause. And indeed, it is a religious matter, is it not? When the Apollo-Soyuz, American-Russian hook-up took place, the weeping patriot heard the announcement that they "have just passed the pine seed between the two spacecraft." Grown men passing pine seeds in a special ritual made of special pine seeds grown in special places in Wisconsin must mean SOMETHING!

Everyone has dreams. Morse's dream was inspired by the Spirit of God and founded upon the Ancient of Days and His Word. And upon what was Von Braun's  built?  America reaped the glory for Samuel Morse, but what country will be exalted with the space program.

The question is what price your success? Will you sell out your country to bring it to pass? Who will you step on in your climb to success and  will the heirs  of those  martyrs do nothing?

Perhaps Von Braun got to live out his dream while reaping vengeance for his own Fatherland.  I wonder.

"And though you exalt yourself as the eagle, from thence will I bring thee down." Thus saith Obadiah.

June Griffin