by Greg Cain
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
--General George S. Patton
This quotation is almost correct. It is not wrong nor foolish to mourn the fine men and women in the military who are dying on foreign soil but like Patton, I am also proud that we do have them and I do thank God that such men and women exist in our world.
They have the guts, the moral strength, and the belief in our country and in Freedom to go after those who would try to harm our country and its people.
America is only America due to our military and others who stand with them. Without them to combat tyranny and terrorists, we would not enjoy the safety and freedom we have now.
I am glad we have a strong military and finally have a President who will stand up to tyranny and evilness all over the world. That does keep our country safe. If anyone doubts it look to the Trade Towers, to the U.S.S. Cole and to the bombings of our national assets everywhere in the world and to the death of our fine young people stationed overseas.
The terrorists will continue trying. We must be strong and stand against them to say, NO! Our military is our stick and we should employ them to bring down terrorists. Then we allow our military to feed the terrorists the carrots as their last meal.
I hope Americans and others everywhere realize that appeasement of killers - will not stop them. Just like a bully on a playground, or a drug dealing gang or anyone who wants to hurt others in the name of control, the only way to stop their behavior is to be stronger, meaner and inflict punishment. We must remove them from society. We need to let the evilness in the world know that it will not be tolerated!
Other countries such as Spain who hope to appease these killers are foolish. Their country will not be safer. Terrorists will take out many in their country in the coming days as terrorists love to kill and get great enjoyment out of seeing people die. They do this in the name of power and control and ego, not in the name of religion.
Spain is as vulnerable as we are and they will suffer the consequences. When good people turn a good eye and let evil people go unchallenged the good people will only suffer. Evil needs to be wiped out by all people everywhere who cherish freedom and the right to live the way they want to live.
Our local National Guard are just one of the groups that make our dreams sweet at night and allow us to enjoy the freedom to walk our neighborhoods. Our freedom today is due to their diligence.
The National Guard and the U.S. military is one of our best assets and we support all of them wholeheartedly. Yes we mourn those who are lost but we are still proud of all of them and we do thank God (and their families who produce them) that we have them. I pray the good Lord will strengthen these families during the holidays and bring their loved-ones home safe and soon.