The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MAY  2009

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Your Memory in May

by B.J. Armstrong

Think of your brain as a tree of knowledge. It weighs about 4 lbs. with hundreds of billions of cells inside it called neurotransmitters.

If you don't have a telephone no one can call you. That's the way it is in the absence of transmitters, biological function is halted. It's one thing to misplace your car keys. It's another to forget where you parked your car and it's in the garage.

If neurotransmitters are the stuff that helps transmit the memories, then what causes memory loss? Experts believe that key vitamins and minerals supply the material for these transmitters. People who take a vitamin supplement, exercise and eat healthy foods tend to have a brighter outlook on life mentally and physically.

Americans eat a lot of food, but they don't always choose the right kinds. As a result, many of us just don't get enough of brain-boosting nutrients. Some doctors believe that the daily values are not set high enough to meet the body's needs. Sometimes the body just can't sufficiently get enough of vitamins B6 and B12. Mix poor Nutrition and improper or impaired absorption and you have a recipe for memory loss.

Excessive drinking can deplete the body of the B vitamins plus zinc. Not only that, but drinking often takes the place of healthy eating. If you must drink, then make sure that you only have two drinks a day. Then, take a Complex Supplement to help keep your memory working.

B J Armstrong

Details from a heart study showed that the higher the blood pressure, the lower the scores on mental tests. Researchers claim that the high blood pressure may cause changes in blood flow to the brain. Did you check your blood pressure today? Let me see now... Did I take my blood pressure pill today?

Researchers at a nutrition research center in North Dakota noted that zinc has a role in helping people to think. Also, it was noted that B6 can't do it's job without the help of zinc. Researchers found that clients who took zinc and vitamin B6 together were better able to remember and respond faster to simple tasks.

Iron also helps the memory. Experts believe that by taking more iron, it will help the all-important transmitters in the brain among other things.

Some doctors recommend the following nutrient to help avoid memory loss... B-Complex supplement. This vitamin complex supplement should contain: Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin 12, Iron, and Zinc.

We hope some of these tips can help keep the memories flowing. Even mild deficiencies can have an impact and cause mood changes, fear, disorderly thinking and other signs of memory depression... symptoms that researchers say often affect memory.

This month is May. The flowers are blooming brought on by the heavy rains of April. I hope you kept your umbrella handy... you needed it. Keep the memory flowing this 5th month because Mother's Day is May 10th. We surely do not want to forget this wonderful person.

The last Monday in May honors those who died in wars. It's called Memorial Day and we most certainly want to remember those heroes who fought for our freedom. The brain is the 'head of our body.' Experts say that we don't have use of the knowledge stored there. We can change that. Let us start 'today.'

"No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar." - Abraham Lincoln
