by B.J. Armstrong
Think of your brain as a tree of knowledge. It weighs about 4 lbs. with hundreds of billions of cells inside it called neurotransmitters.
If you don't have a telephone no one can call you. That's the way it is in the absence of transmitters, biological function is halted. It's one thing to misplace your car keys. It's another to forget where you parked your car and it's in the garage.
If neurotransmitters are the stuff that helps transmit the memories, then what causes memory loss? Experts believe that key vitamins and minerals supply the material for these transmitters. People who take a vitamin supplement, exercise and eat healthy foods tend to have a brighter outlook on life mentally and physically.
Americans eat a lot of food, but they don't always choose the right kinds. As a result, many of us just don't get enough of brain-boosting nutrients. Some doctors believe that the daily values are not set high enough to meet the body's needs. Sometimes the body just can't sufficiently get enough of vitamins B6 and B12. Mix poor Nutrition and improper or impaired absorption and you have a recipe for memory loss.
Excessive drinking can deplete the body of the B vitamins plus zinc. Not only that, but drinking often takes the place of healthy eating. If you must drink, then make sure that you only have two drinks a day. Then, take a Complex Supplement to help keep your memory working.