The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MAY  2007

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

All the Males Among the Priests

By June Griffin

Of the many deceptions practiced since the institution of the so-called "Civil Rights Act," and its insidious forces, backed up by the government gun, is that of the "Equality" of everybody, now I suppose to include dogs, cats, snakes and other created beings. To satisfy the mandated economy, that is.

One Michael King, claiming to be a Reverend this or that, led a Communist-inspired revolt which is now the most famous force, so that the entire criteria of personality is to prove to the world that they are not "prejudiced." That seems to be the first element of friendship or recognition. Whether they are thieves, liars, drunks, whoremongers, sodomites or other Biblically condemned sinners, these heinous crimes pale under the intimidations of being 'prejudiced,' 'discriminating' or so-called 'racist.' (I have yet to discover a reasonable definition for a 'racist.' Words need roots and branches.) There is no righteous root for this word. This vernacular sorcery will drive politicians to the

June Griffin

end of the line if they are called this name, regardless of its sandy foundation. Is there ANYTHING one can be against since every judgment is weighed in the balance of whether you are 'prejudiced?' These vain allegations of course come with a corrupt and un-American Civil Liberties Union.

Those of us who cling to the eternal Word of God, whose Saviour brought
us victory in wars and redemption of every kind, look to a more solid Rock. In the flood of iniquity which accompanied the so-called "Civil Rights" Movement, we now see women classified as a 'minority,' (if the criteria is race, where did sexuality come in?) and ultimately sodomites join this motley bunch (are they a race, a sex, or what?) Is not the entire movement to create a voting block of so-called 'minorities' to outvote the American Bible Protestant? I believe so. This Protestant is the one who will prevail for their chief Instrument of Victory is the Bill of Rights.

When the sister of Patrick Henry, Elizabeth Russell, picked up her Bible, put on Circuit Preacher Francis Asbury's hat, and preached to her household and neighbors did she do it because she wanted to 'break into a male field?' Of course not! She preached because the Spirit of God gave her utterance. And the people listened, not because she was a woman, but because she had something to say.

The referenced title is from Leviticus 6:29 and 7:6, where it is stated that "all the males AMONG the priests" were to be called to eat the sacrifices. This intimates that not all the priests were males. Obviously the handling of heavy lambs and goats was to be done by men; the slaughtering and other technical tasks which required male strength, were kept naturally to the men. But the daughters of Aaron such as the Mother of John the Baptist had their functions in the temple. The Bill of Rights provides such opportunities for utterance (see the First Amendment) and enforcement (see the Second Amendment), though women were forbidden to put on male attire or to try to LOOK LIKE men. This was condemned as an abomination, but to speak, judge, order households, run businesses, own property and even lead weak and scared men to the battle is certified by the prophetess Deborah.

She was no libber. She was married; she was a Judge, and she knew where the enemy was. Because of Barak's fear, a woman was given the victory.Jael drove a nail into the head of Sisera who was leading that day's Civil Rights movement and who picked women whenever he wanted to. Even his Mother approved of his licentiousness. But the day came when Barak and Deborah sang a song.

No matter what the ACLU thinks of Paul and their jaded interpretations and hatred of him, the Apostle faced the same Greek philosophies of so-called 'liberation' and stated that he wouldn't let a woman speak JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS A WOMAN, nor could a man speak JUST BECAUSE HE WAS A MAN. Affirmative Action was an old concept, emanating from such fools as Plato and other vanities. God's Justice demands that all Who love His Word be allowed to occupy places of honor and dignity and platform, thank you.. So the wisdom of the Apostle cuts Affirmative Action in the head. And Patrick Henry secured these liberties, with his spiritual brother, James Madison. And all the people said, "Amen."

The women, Negro-Colored-Black-Afro American, along with others who have used government force are fallen into a horrible pit. They will never be satisfied that their skill or abilities gained them position. The shadow of forced employment will hang over them forever, for their leaders led them in another way. Those who will not repudiate Title 42 and its attendant forces are forever ruined.