The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MAY  2006

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird


By June Griffin

Crime is a very serious word. A criminal is one who has committed a crime, doing that which is unlawful. It is unlawful to steal. Thus saith the Lord. Man's law puts the pair-a-dime shift to lawful, adding a little here and a little there, thus making it illegal to steal from the government and the public charity pot. Man's law twists legalities into ACLU formats rendering good evil and vice versa.

So we now have homemade criminals, made criminals by certain law professors and congressmen at home. Cases come to mind. First, the case of Evangelist Lester Roloff. He was jailed for not relinquishing his right to house young people and preach to them the Gospel of Christ. He saved these former drug and alcohol addicts by the voluntary way of Christ instead of the forces of darkness who want the children for the benefit of State employees., their jobs and pensions. They want to be the saviours, for

June Griffin

filthy lucre's sake. Preacher Roloff was funded by love offerings; his adversaries were funded by forced taxation.

Another case I could mention is that of Robert C. Bartlett whose ancestor, Josiah Bartlett, signed the Declaration of Independence. His case was as clean as a Federal court ever heard. He stood clearly upon the ground of his ancestor's sacrifices and that of untold numbers of American veterans who fought that one might keep what they earn and have an American increase. He was sentenced without mercy to four years in a federal prison with murderers and thieves in Milan, Illinois. The Judge or Jury had no mercy.

Take the case of Byron de la Beckwith, a Mississippi WW II soldier who was tried not once, not twice, but three times for the same charge, entirely contradictory to our Constitution, just to make an example of him in a purported racial matter. The Forces were out to take a victim, and they did. He has now aired his matter before the Eternal Tribunal for he died in prison. An All-American Veteran and homemade criminal.

How many school teachers and school superintendents have been forced out of their jobs because they dared to read a simple Scripture to their students or ask God's blessing on their school day? Are they not homemade criminals, doing just what is normal and good and customary in the United States?

My mind goes to a certain lawyer in New England who committed suicide because the IRS had come down on him. His wife, like Rizpah, night and day cries for justice for her darling whose life was worth nothing because of the sentence facing him. Will not the Judge of the Whole Earth do right?

How many have been made criminals by mandates which tacked onto revenue-sharing grants strip us of our rights? What about 42 USC 666 which forced social security numbers to be furnished in order to get any kind of license, fishing, professional, driving and made criminals of decent, God-fearing citizens whose integrity could not brook such indecency?

How many criminals have been crafted out of Title 42, particularly 42 USC 1988, a provision which gives the ACLU the authority and court order to collect their legal fees from taxpayers?

A certain university professor whose name is now lost had to flee to the Kentucky mountains because she opposed the teaching of Communism in Lexington, Kentucky, during the 1930's. A homemade criminal. In all likelihood, her testimony is sealed now.

The most notable homemade criminal is a man of the highest integrity and record. Coming from a simple and humble beginning, he graduated from West Point with honors, served an honorable term in Vietnam, was elected as Judge in Gadsden, Alabama, where he rid the area of certain real crooks, and was elected to the highest judicial office in Alabama, that of Chief Magistrate, His Honor Judge Roy Moore. His crime: Posting God's Law in accord with the Alabama Constitutional order to recognize Almighty God. Anointed by the electorate of Alabama, his adversaries destroyed Christ's brother, a son of God, in an unprecedented overthrow of justice and Americanism.

How about older flea market dealers who dared to practice the American custom of gun-trading? How many years in the pen were they subject to?

And what comes in the wake of these examples of innocent ones? Hordes of illegal aliens, true criminals, who break into our homeland and demand that we adopt them, feed them, clothe them, and call them family members!!! Never!!!

How many American businessmen have been made criminals by such nonsense coming out of the ABC agencies, from OSHA to EPA, HHS, HUD, and other sympathizers of injustice, all 'just doing their job,' of course?

If you have been so misused and misnamed, rest with us. For the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints, according to Jude, to recompense the revisionist legal dictionaries and to turn the world upside down. For all invaders from other countries will also be subject to being one day a homemade criminal. What then?