The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MAY  2003

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







"That Suntan Look"

Spring is here and with summer on its way, we strive for that sun tan look. We think it makes us look healthy and young. Even if you are getting around at 60 as if you are 30ish, the world considers you old if your skin is wrinkled, has brown spots, and your eyes are baggy. Beauty is only skin deep and the skin is the largest organ of the body - so take care of it.
Despite warnings that sun overexposure causes wrinkles, freckles and cancer, people still try for that beautiful tan look. Hold on! The sun is not all bad. It can be therapeutic for psoriasis and arthritis.
If you must get outdoors for a tan from the sun, here are some guidelines to follow:
• Avoid the sun between 10 and 3.
• Sunglasses are a must.
• Apply sunscreen liberally (15-30 minutes before going out.) The higher the SPF the better.
If you must be outside for work, gardening or outdoor sports, here are some guidelines to follow:
• Wear a hat (also a flap to cover your neck.)
• Wear a long sleeve shirt.
• Wear light-colored clothes.
And if you want extra protection, take your vitamins and minerals. According to research, vitamin E and Selenium can help prevent sun damage. Also an application of vitamin C and E can help once you've been exposed.
For whatever reason, you've been in the sun too long and now you've got a sunburn. Whenever you have too much fun in the sun, here are some ways to take the fire out of the sunburn pain:
Bathe as quickly as possible in cool to lukewarm water. Stay away from highly fragrant soaps, perfumes and colognes. You might try baking soda (one

by B J Armstrong

half to one cup per bath) in the water. Try soaking in one or two cups of vinegar in cool water for one-half hour. You can also put the vinegar on the skin after a bath to help soothe the skin and relieve the pain. The smell should go away by the next day.
Aloe Vera gel helps to soothe the burning sensation and makes the skin feel better.
An everyday case of sunburn usually doesn't require medical help. However,  if you experience chills, nausea, fever or fatigue, go see the doctor. You may have to go to bed for a couple of days to give the body time to recover.
If you take certain medications, doctors advise you to take extra precautions upon exposure to the sun. Some diuretics, antibiotics, birth control pills, and certain diabetes medicine can be dangerous. If in doubt, check with your doctor.
I have a confession to make, I myself happen to be one of those sun-worshipers. Years past I have laid in the sun for hours (after 2 or 3 o'clock you really do tan better without burning.) I also have been to tanning beds, and I enjoyed my tan all-over body.
I can't remember exactly when I stopped and started using a bronzer. Believe me - its a lot easier and a whole lot less time consuming. There are various brands of sunless, self-tanning lotions on the market; Sea & Ski, Coppertone, Bain, Soleil (which I like best of all.)  I put on lotion or moisturizer first, then the sunless lotion. It seems to create a more natural looking tan.
The quest for a youthful tanned body is a multi-billion

industry in the good old United States. The approaches range from topical creams, oils and lotions to a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures.
The sun is hazardous to everyone, but especially if you are Caucasian. Also, if your skin is fair and your hair light in color.  African Americans and Orientals are somewhat less vulnerable and can tolerate the sun better.
The skin contains cells that allow us to tan. We lose about 20 percent of this cell every ten years after the age of 30. The best way to prevent sun damage to the skin is to avoid excessive exposure of the sun. And - my advice is to start using self-tanning sunless lotion. Who knows? These may be harmful to the skin too. So far though, no bad reports on them. And in our culture, a bronzed body symbolizes fitness, health, and a good life.
There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness - Anonymous