The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2012







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Thank You Republicans

Letter to the Editor:

I think it wonderful that you are taking the bull by the horns and are attacking women's healthcare, social programs, gay rights, creating voter suppression and creating big government.

Your party should be commended for keeping your head deeply imbedded in the sand and not realizing that women are no longer intimidated by old, white men, who would keep them barefoot and pregnant. It is apparent that your party is afraid of women getting a taste of power for their own lives and the lives of their children. I am sorry to inform you, but women have gotten out of the dark ages. They are educated, have jobs, can read and write and, more importantly, VOTE. Yes, you heard right, they can VOTE.

From my point of view, your party is not only attacking the common woman's rights, you are attacking your own mother's rights, the rights of your sisters, your daughters, your aunts and your grandmothers. So tell me, are they proud of your behavior? I don't think they are, from what I have seen, your women are forced into publically accepting your out-of-control behavior. How many of your women have stood by her MAN, in the public arena, forgiving of your affairs? Forgiving of your lack of common sense? How many of your women stand by your side, while you take away their rights as women, take away their healthcare and subject them to the demands of the DARK AGES? As you continue to attack women, just remember they outnumber you, two to one, and a woman scorned is a woman that you will find voting against you at the polls. Funny how your masks have slid, and your real agenda is staring women in the face.

What about social programs, what you call entitlements? Again, single parents are being attacked by your party. Homeless parents are being attacked by your party. Jobless parents are being attacked by your party. Mask slip again? It is easy to compare your ability to send lots of help to other countries, food and medical care, but not for our own not-so-fortunate parents? Don't you think these parents are aware that you  prefer their children to starve, have no medical care, no education and no future? Do you think these parents will vote for your party? You are certainly missing the boat on this one. They don't trust you.

Gays are not happy being targeted by your party. They don't like the laws that keep them from being with their loved ones and having the right to choose who they love and want to spend their lives with. Your party is quick to judge them, yet I have seen Congressmen on the news, being accused of gay behaviors. Double standard going on here, or is it only certain gays you don't want to have rights?

How clever of your party to figure out how to suppress voters from going to the polls, through BIG GOVERNMENT. Do you really think voters, Republican, Democratic and Independant are blind and stupid? Apparently you do, or you wouldn't be using BIG GOVERNMENT to take away the common people's rights, while enhancing the wealthy's rights. Your mask has fallen again, hasn't it? Let's face it, you don't believe in small government, you believe in Big Government when it benefits your party.

Another point I would like to address, the religious card your party is trying to play is ambiguous at best. Your party uses religion to attack other people's rights. For you it is a weapon against the common people. Don't you think the public sees this as a religious attack against them? Your party must not believe in God or you wouldn't so causally use religion to force compliance of the people, the 99 percent.

Let's face it, the Republican Party isn't working out very good, is it? The party boys must see that the party is long over and it is time to head home. I just hope your women and gay children are still there for you..

Valerie Gamblin
Cleveland, TN

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