The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2010

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Sedition or Revolution?

by June Griffin

Terms are important. Go into any classroom, legal or technical, and you will see the necessity of defining your terms. Take the term: Revisionist Historians. This is a problem. Ask anyone who has read any American history book prior to the 1960's.

Whether the current run-of-the-mill revisionist historians mean to do so or not, or whether they are just ignorant or stupid, one can only conjecture. Of course, if we say revisionist historians are ignorant, they are highly insulted since their claim is to the highest of intellectualism and knowledge. If we say their revisions are deliberate, one is accused of "believing in some conspiracy."

Sadly enough, the National Rifle Association recently released a film which totally corrupts the merits and characters of our founders. This film depicts the Founders pretty much as a bunch of rebels like the French Revolutionaries, drinking a lot of hard liquor and just hating the rule of their British peers, or anyone else for that matter. Why this established defender of firearms and the Second Amendment would take such a bent in a film which claims to defend our American history one can only conjecture. It is natural for Hollywood to make men in their own image and merchandise in feelings rather than fact. Recently, this columnist and her husband tried in vain to ferret out the facts hidden in a film, THE ALAMO, starring John Wayne. In between the dramatic diversions and added personalities, with provocations from background music, it was impossible. It took the actual writings of an actual eyewitness who was there to tell the whole truth, recorded in her own account. It is common fare for Hollywood to deal in trickery, but for the NRA to join in this nefarious practice? Why? Isn't truth exciting enough?

What is the truth of the Founding Fathers? This missile being written on the anniversary of the birthday of George Washington, it is natural that the deeds and dedication of this great man be on the mind of the columnist. The British called him a "backwoods, glory Bible thumpin' preacher!" This intended offense tells us a lot of the character of this great man who refused to be called King, rather submitted himself to the lower title of "Mr. President." Hardly a trait which is exhibited in the current White House occupant who is grabbing power like it is the end of time. Neither is it a mark of the French Revolutionists. And the failure of the French is proof enough.

The founders were not a bunch of rebels, hating authority. In fact, their love of liberty emanated from the Magna Charta. Burning in their heart was the negligence of the King of England to adhere to their God-given liberties secured under this Magnificent Charter. Love of liberty emanates from the Bible liberty, and comes under the authority granted to its adherents, whose battle cry of the Revolution was: "No King but Jesus." Let it here be submitted that the King they chose was the same King who granted the Magna Charta and its attendant property rights.

Sedition is that combine of individuals who work in secrecy to overthrow authority. These alien tactics include such practices as provoking, for example, the police to react, then crying "Police Brutality" and hollerin' for the ACLU to save them. Such Sedition was the hallmark of the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee, teaching the 'doctrines of passive, non-violent resistance,' fomenting ultimate violence and overthrow of property rights. This so-called school was rightfully charged with Sedition by the State of Tennessee. However, the real nail in its coffin was the fact that they violated their beer license so the place was closed and finally burned down. Evidently Seditionists like their booze.

The Founders were not seditionists, rather they openly declared their resistance to the tyrannies of King George through a written Declaration, so deliberately conspicuous that John Hancock wrote with a larger hand, stating plainly that he wanted the King to be able to read it without his glasses on. No sedition here. And they were aided and "endowed by their Creator," Almighty God Jehovah.

It is here suggested that those who ignorantly or willingly subverted the motives and expectations of the movers in the War of Independence merely thought the Founders were like them, rather French Libertarians who drink, gamble, lived loose and corrupt lives and just hate authority.

When George Washington reached down and kissed the Bible, it was because he feared the God of Joshua. Two men in the history of the world began a brand new nation by such resistance to tyranny: Joshua, Captain of the Lord of Hosts and General George Washington. Both men's prayers were answered. Those who follow their God are afraid to tell a lie.


June Griffin