The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.

A Matter Of Faith






.... The Passion ....

by Joel Lawler

I had every intention of going to see the Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" prior to writing Matter of Faith.  Unfortunately, I waited too long and tickets have been hard to come by and The People News Editor has gently reminded me that my deadline is rapidly approaching.

I am very excited about this film.  In the interviews with Mel Gibson that I have seen, it has been impressive to hear the events that lead up to making this film.  He stated that he was almost suicidal when he felt a call to begin this project.  He talked about how he had everything that anyone could ever have, money, fame and tremendous success but it simply left him empty.

It is also great to see that someone has made the story true to the scriptures and not twisted it to suit their own agenda.  Many of the films about Jesus either are poorly made or the writer distorts the facts and even takes great license in order to make Jesus into something that He was not.

With all the media attention and the hype that has come about surrounding this film, there is also a danger and that is that the viewer, amidst all the hoopla, would miss the point of Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

Movies don't change people's lives.  Churches don't change people's lives.  The

Joel Lawler

Bible does not change people's lives.  Only God can change an individual's life.  God uses everything under the sun to communicate His love for us and call us to Himself.  He also leaves the final decision to each and every one of us to make on our own as to whether we will allow Him to be our savior.

It is far too easy to get caught up in a movement and never be personally moved.  We have to choose to allow God to enter our life.  It is a conscious decision that is not based on emotion.  We may feel compelled to act but that feeling will not remain.  Emotions are fleeting.

Some base their faith on the church they belong to.  Others will base it on their family.  Some will believe it to be part of their culture or nationality.  None of these

things factor into our relationship with God.  You and you alone have to choose to turn to God and receive His salvation. 

God is personal.  He is interested in connecting with you as an individual right where you are.

The film depicts the great sacrifice that Jesus made.  It is a brutal and bloody spectacle to see an authentic portrayal of His suffering.  The Romans were masters at torturing their victims.  Anyone who has a heart will be emotionally taken by this film.  I hope that they do not miss that it was for us that He endured this pain.  It was for you and I that He died.

I applaud Mel Gibson for what he has done and I pray that this film is used by God to bring people to the personal decision to give their lives to Him.