The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

MARCH  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.








by Toneeke Henderson

I was walking in my garden today, taking note of the new bud's and little indications of spring inspired life. Dreaming of the brilliant colors that will burst from the ground to show the world their beauty. I listened to the waterfall of the pond and the little flowing brook that travels downward. This year I am sure the garden will be its fullest, for I had planted so many flowers that they will cascade without default one after another. A lot of enjoyment has come from building this garden to its fullest potential and sharing it with the world. The worthy endeavors of all who have contributed to making it

what it is.

Life is like that. God walked through his garden beautiful, gazing upon all his new bud's and Spring inspired life. He noticed how eager the colors were to announce their arrival to the world. So he sat for a moment in his garden fair, listening to his waterfall and the brook just below. As he pondered what lovely soul should have its moment in the sun.

Ethyl Stone Carroll was one of God's most vibrant and versatile artists in this area. Her mixture of free form collage style art was more then just objects, Ethyl's effects of  layers of paint and vibrant colors enabled her to not only paint from the soul but "to paint the soul"

Toneeke Henderson

He walked through The City of Angels contemplating his next call. Then he heard a giggle and saw this wonderful sprite like soul dancing and gleaming as no other had shown.
This little dark haired; bright eyed, carefree soul shall be the one chosen to color his garden today. God called to the glistening soul and proclaimed; "On this day of November 29, 1918, I

declare your presence to stand before the world and exclaim the beauty of my garden fair." The small soul wisp it's hands into the air and giggling with glee. "Oh how proud I shall make you of me"  the soul shouted with such excitement. In a hurried little voice the soul asked God;  "what will my job be?" .
God looked at the tiny soul with such a smile and merely said, " to just be you". The little soul asked eagerly , "who shall I be?"  God took that tiny soul to the edge of the garden and said: "I need you to be all the things that you see. To be the waters edge, a big oak tree, a frog in the pond, butterflies, birds and bees, & the crickets in the eve."  The little soul stood there holding God's

From the Gourd Series of pictures by Ethyl Stone Carroll

mighty hand and asked with curiosity, "Will I have a name". Then God picked up that little soul and carried it into The City of Angels. He placed this wonderful spirit filled soul for the whole Heaven city to see. With his mighty voice he proclaimed tenderly "your name my sweet child shall be Ethyl Stone".

"You will paint me a garden within my world, with colors of Heaven not yet seen. You will make my garden glow and will find that you shall paint with your soul not just your hands and mind. You will have added beauty when your canvas of life stretches outward  and you become Ethyl Stone Carroll"

The little soul looked up with such big eyes and said; "what do you want in your garden"? God pondered a minute and said, "You Ethyl, I want you to be in my garden."  God sent that soul here to Earth to blend his colors of Heaven from  his beautiful City of Angels. Ethyl Stone Carroll did exactly that for 85 years. Then God decided he needed to add some new touches to his City Of Angels and called Ethyl home to heaven on February 22, 2004.

If you were fortunate enough to have purchased a piece of Heaven from Ethyl then you will truly know the colors of Heaven. Sadly I must say I did not get to buy even a miniature of hers. I missed every chance. Mostly because they were all gone by the time I remembered to try to get one. Ethyl will remain within a lot of us for her uniqueness and her ability to see what most people will never grasp, and that my friends is Life. I hold my paint brush in honor of your presence here in God's garden. Your spirit will live on.