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For those who might not know, Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a political group formed by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. It has an agenda almost identical to that of the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun groups, but it goes to great lengths to make its proposals seem reasonable and moderate when, in fact, they are intended to make firearms ownership more difficult and dangerous. Bloomberg has spent millions of dollars from his own very deep pockets and the pockets of New York taxpayers to advance his agenda and is receiving additional millions from the Joyce Foundation - the same Joyce Foundation that gave Barack Obama a paid directorship as a stepping-stone into politics.
This scandal will be unfolding for weeks, and probably years, to come. The more information we can dig up on the MAIG employees infiltrating municipal government, the better chance we will have of putting a stop to this theft of taxpayer money. Check your local government for any private-public partnership grant programs - particularly programs funded by MAIG - and let me know what you find. Together we can pull the mask off of this beast and return control of municipal government to the people who live there.
Read more about this breaking story at Sean Caranna's blog, AllNineYards.com, and join the discussion about this issue at GunVoter.org.