The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2006

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

You can overthrow a nation,
as long as you are "orderly"

By June Griffin

The following is the text of a Letter-to-the-Editor June Griffin submitted to a Rhea County newspaper.

While the internet and emails are reporting full fledged Communist rallies, including the SDS, World Workers Party, International Socialists Organization and others hating the United States supporting the illegal aliens, I made phone calls to deaf ears in our Governor's office and our legislators, to say nothing of attempts to call talk shows and email nationally.

In phone calls to Nashville to the Governor's office 615-741-2001, Vanessa who answers the phone said that she had not had more than 6 calls complaining about illegal aliens.

June Griffin

Joan in Rep. Bo Watson's office (1-800-449-8366, Ext. 13227) said that she had had not more than six calls complaining about illegal aliens. And while this patriotic secretary is grieved with the infractions, at the Nashville rally for illegals, the only response she reported from Rep. Watson was that they "were orderly." Evidently you can overthrow a nation, as long as you are "orderly" and don't get "out of control." I am glad the forefathers and other veterans weren't so "cool."

Michelle in Sen. Tommy Kilby's office (1-800-449 8366, Ext. 11447) said
that she had not had more than six calls complaining about illegal aliens.

My poll is about as accurate as the rest of the polls and shows that there are not more than 20 Americans in Tennessee who care about our Christian heritage, the blood and sacrifice of our veterans (this is Armed Forces' month) or their citizenship. I would say there is another silent multitude who have simply given up calling since we know that the Legislators will not make a move to rid us of these lawless Communists who are holding rallies throughout the Country, flying their Mexican flag desecrating the Star Spangled Banner, and who boldly proclaim that they are taking the property "back" which our veterans paid for with their blood, including Davy Crockett. At least one such rally took place in Nashville, but it evidently didn't bother our Representation.

I personally value my freeborn citizenship. Is there nothing holy anymore? Are we going to allow open lawlessness to run us out of our Rights? Fairfax County, Virginia voted out incumbents who favored illegals. The Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff has deputized thousands of his fellow citizens to deport illegals there. And those "legals" who are sympathetic to their lawless brethren also need to be removed. Their loyalty is in question. To which country do they hold allegiance? And when is the next election?

This state of apathy means that when the plagues and judgments come through from the Lord of Hosts, The Lord's Military Name, that only those who sigh and cry for these awful abominations will be spared. Ezekiel 9.