The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2006

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






Editorial for THE PEOPLE

What do you think?
editorial for The People by pete edwards

Justice center or dungeon

There seems to be a problem with the administration of Bradley County's new state of the art justice center. It seems that hardly a week passes without a scandal coming to light. The latest is a report of a man wrongfully arrested and imprisoned. Unfortunate, but it happens, you say? It does, but in this case there was the addition of abuse, a frequently occurring allegation at this facility. Darrell Lebron Hambrick was wrongfully arrested as a fugitive from justice and returned to the Bradley County jail by the Georgia Highway Patrol. He protested his innocence. He was fingerprinted and other bodily identification was checked but he still remained incarcerated. During his stay at the jail he received racial discriminating comments, was not allowed to shower or perform basic hygiene for days and was reportedly offered a cell with feces and puddles of urine on the floor. How could this happen in our new jail? If fingerprints can't be analyzed accurately what good is a top of the line forensics lab? Although Hambrick has filed suit against the Bradley County Sheriff's Office and no doubt justice will be served in his case, it may be time for the Bradley County Grand Jury to investigate abuses at the jail and make recommendations to the Sheriff on how to rectify the problems. Bradley County taxpayers are being unnecessarily burdened by avoidable lawsuits and there is ongoing abuse which should not be allowed to continue.

That's what I think. What do you think?

That nauseous feeling

Former state senator Roscoe Dixon, who was indicted in the Tennessee Waltz sting has requested that the public corruption charges against him be dropped because he is black. He says blacks were unfairly targeted. Great logic - people actually voted for this guy! It is no joke though, the liberal activist judiciary is likely to accept the request and set mankind back another hundred years. Lawyers for Dixon would not have made the motion without the possibility of success. Public corruption is public corruption regardless of color. Can the Mafia crime bosses claim they were unfairly targeted because they are Italiano - or illegal aliens because they are Hispanic? Where does the unfortunate white man enter this equation? Are white Americans to be used in crime statistics as a benchmark without which no other races can be convicted? This is silly logic. What happened to - "if you do the crime, you do the time?" Dixon's plea is an example why preferential treatment should be classed the same as discrimination - for any race. I am sick to the eyeballs with this  affirmative action nonsense. Justice for "all" rules. And justice for the idiot Dixon sounds even sweeter.

That's what I think. What do you think?

A tyrant's protector

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, has ruled that the first amendment does not protect journalists from prosecution when national security is involved. Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said she presumed Gonzales was referring to the 1917 Espionage Act, which she said has never been interpreted to prosecute journalists who were providing information to the public. Historically, when governments are not trusted by the public and are acting contrary to their wishes, they tend to become more secretive and take extreme measures to limit information and thus accountability. Accountability is the only weapon the citizen has to control government and the public can't hold it's leaders accountable if they don't know what government is doing. National security is the clarion call of the potential tyrant. It is simple protection against accountability. It is difficult to refute and easy to abuse.  Gonzales is a traitor to America and the US Constitution which he is sworn to uphold. If he stays in office he will become a conduit for tyranny, interpreting the constitution to cover the tracks of those dedicated to destroy America's unique style of individual freedom by muzzling the press. Publishers, editors and reporters are unusually sensitive to matters of national security but many times wrongdoing is covered up by being declared secret. Often the secrets are only secret to the American citizen, enemies of the US have ways of finding out as easily as a reporter does. The idea in prosecuting a reporter is not to guard the secret but to prevent the public from finding out. Alberto Gonzales has got to go.

That's what I think. What do you think?

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Pete Edwards