The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JUNE  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Christian heritage has been lost

Letter to Editor

God fearing people marvel that our nation's Christian heritage has been lost so quickly and lament about what is to be done.  Christians should understand the main weapons that have been used to destroy America's Christian culture so that they can direct their efforts to defend and restore our moral culture in the most useful way. 

The first weapon is the atheistic philosophy of evolution passed off as true science.  As a weapon against Christianity, evolution acts as a missile aimed at the foundation of Christianity: the literal interpretation of Genesis.  The missile does not need to attack the Gospel of Jesus Christ directly, it only needs to destroy the credibility of Genesis history, and then the authority of all scripture is undermined. 

The second weapon is the false doctrine of "separation of church and state".  This doctrine is not contained in the first amendment, but it is a biased false interpretation of the intention of the founders when they drafted the first amendment.  As a weapon against Christianity, this false interpretation acts as a silencer.  Two examples of this weapon in action are the removal of prayer in the classroom and the removal the Ten Commandments from public institutions.  This weapon is currently aimed at public inscriptions of "In God We Trust".

Although these are not the only weapons in the enemy's arsenal, these two weapons form the weapons of mass destruction used to create a secular society by destroying Christianity.  The first weapon destroys the faith of many while the second silences those who would cling to faith.  Both work to prevent new converts. 

But the Lord has been faithful in alerting the Church by calling watchmen with specialized knowledge to recognize the danger.  Scientists working in creation ministries such as Institute of Creation Research and Answers in Genesis have published works refuting evolution and showing how the facts of science support the biblical account of creation. 

Christian law firms such as American Center for Law and Justice are fighting a battle in the courts to protect our religious freedoms, and others are actively seeking congressional support to stop humanist judges from using their authority to eradicate Christianity.  The false doctrine of "separation of church and state" is the humanist's favorite weapon in the courts.

Christians can make a difference by getting their churches involved in support of those who are actively confronting these weapons.  Churches of any size can help by hosting guest speakers, distributing informational literature, providing financial support, signing petitions, writing letters to representatives, and offering persistent specific prayer support.  Preachers can help by ensuring the foundation (i.e., a literal interpretation of Genesis) has not been corrupted and emphasizing the authority of scripture.

Cynthia Pope
Murphy, NC

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