person who invented diapers for mops. Yes that's right diapers. I think everyone has seen them by now.
The swifter or something like that. You take a sheet like a pamper diaper looks but with out those strange tabs, smells good and is already wet. Now all you do is poke the corners into a slot at each edge and there ya have it - a diapered mop. Then you run around the house like a kid shaking your head. I mean who would have ever thought we'd be moping floors with a diaper. (do not try this with your children's or anyone else's). I would have to admit I use them, they are quick clean ups. (not the kids, the mops.) I don't like squeezing those sponges or the ringer mops. Do you think they are anything like those Depends? Or Does it depend?
I was even told by a friend of ours that they have a vacuum cleaner that can clean your floor while you aren't home. I did that, yeah, I took the two horsepower lawnmower motor and put it on my broom, man that broom can sure fly. Geeze the things we are making. A lot of us who read this paper are the very ones who used to watch "The Jetson's" on TV as kids. It won't be long and we will have all the gadgets they did, or do we already. I just hope the world doesn't get too lazy and forget what reality is. It seems to have a fine line between it sometimes.
You know sometimes I really miss those days when we didn't have any real needs, and I believe that I am not sure if I really have any right now. I am who I am and I like me that way. My life is full and content. I can express myself and know that it is my freedom to do so. I only have an answering machine because I can't be everywhere at one time unless they make an international coffee with my name. Hmmm now that's a thought.
OK time to save the editor. I am sure he is shaking his head saying how nuts I am. You want to know the funny part of that, he knows I'm right. (so I laugh).
In summing up my intuitive energy wave, we must all find that one thing, that tells the world we were once here. Something that can emanate our essence of existence, something knowledgeable, touching, and inspirational like that of a simple SMILE. Taste life, touch life, be life and then give something back to the world. Grace it with the twinkle in your eyes as you share that contagious thing called a smile.
Remember all the gadgets in the world from diapering a simple household tool, to sweeping your house without being there, Reality has to check in now and then. Don't lose sight of your dreams and even on a bad day, remember someone else is having a worse one than you. Keep a smile in your pocket just in case you find someone else who forgot where they put theirs.