The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JULY  2008

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Joining The Uneducated Past

By June Griffin

In the Cleveland City Council's unprecedented attack on the First Amendment and the column entitled The Female Manifesto, one of the City Councilman said that its author was part of the"uneducated past." Since legal minds demand definitions, one must ask what that could mean. Let's start with say, Moses and his revelations from Almighty God? Perhaps he was 'uneducated'. Or maybe the prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel. Or how about King David and the apostles Paul, Luke or John, they certainly were a part of the past. Who graded their education? Solomon's writings, inspired as they are, must fall to the higher criticism of the Cleveland City Council and become a part of 'the uneducated past.'

Hymn writers such as Cowper, Wesley, Watts, whose awesome poetry has moved upon the souls of untold millions in sorrow, persecution or distress, fostering endurance, wiping away their tears and baptizing them in hope for the 'joy that cometh in the morning'. Is the Cleveland City Council worthy of unloosing the shoes of these inspired authors or are they relegated to the 'uneducated past?' What wisdom! What

June Griffin

judgment! Perhaps Bo Diddley would charm their educated ears!

What of John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" which, along with the Bible, was a part of every early American home library? Did his thirteen-year imprisonment for refusal to take a state license to preach render him one of the "uneducated?" Probably. Peruse the expressions penned in the Declaration of Independence: "... when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..." Such a lack of education! Such ignorance!

The literary field is not the only one to be relegated to the 'uneducated past'. Great inventors like Henry Ford, R. G. LeTourneau, and a host of others, free from the idiocy of Darwin, Freud, Marx, global warming and thieves of ambition, made their marks in the earth by the inspiration of the writings of the uneducated Solomon who wrote that the Spirit of God causes man to find out 'witty inventions'. This columnist is simple enough to praise God for the vast array of inventions which have made her life unbelievably easy in comparison with our 'uneducated parents' who were so backward as to work hard to see that we could enjoy their estates.

Alas! We are adrift for what this 'educated past' was comprised of, but I have a sneaking suspicion 'uneducated' has something to do with that simple and beautiful creature, who is mockingly called: The Redneck. Those who have sold their souls to Title 42 and its "anti-discrimination" tenets, those who have contracted with the ACLU and the IRS, must have someone to ridicule.

While admiring the 37 Tennessee counties who stood with the Union and refused to fire on the Stars and Stripes, yet I must be fair. In his book, Company Aytch, by a common Southern soldier from Maury County, Tennessee, Samuel Rutherford Watkins, on Page 70, he wrote of one of their veterans who was distributing reading material to the other soldiers: "...He took Alf's knapsack and on opening it, what do you
suppose was in it?... "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary" "Cruden's Concordance," Macauley's "History of England," Jean Valjean, Fantine, Cosset, "Les Miserables," "The Heart of Midllothian," "Ivanhoe," "Guy Mannering," ""Rob Ray," Shakespeare's, "The History of Ancient Rome," and many others which I have now forgotten. He carried literature for the regiment."

What? No funny books, cartoons, joke books or golf scores? How uneducated can you get? In the face of these who belong to the 'uneducated past,' I guess 'educated' now means that you can finagle to get your driveway paved. Swingin' a deal like that is what we call 'educated.' Or how about demeaning the owners and taking control of others' property by that 60's concoction called "The Zoning Board."

".... He has ...sent swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out our substance...appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions....And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence...."
Happy Independence Day,
