The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

JULY  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

Fifty-Six Rich Men

by June Griffin

Among the many celebrations which custom has introduced into our nation, one is of particular and primary importance, now shamefully relegated to watermelon and ice cream. On July 4, 1776, fifty-six prominent men signed away their life, their fortunes and their sacred honor in order to form this nation. These men were not rebels, as high-powered finishing schools teach. Rather they were by and large indignant Protestants, believing the Scriptures, and had "suffered ills while ills were sufferable" until the pressure point of indignation. These men of integrity whose positions and wealth had not spoiled them would no longer subjugate themselves to a violation of their ancient Magna Charta rights which God gave them centuries before. And "with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence," declared that they would, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, "all hang together, lest they hang separately."

Have you read this Declaration and their indictments lately? Do you not see a huge parallel in the infractions today by our slavery to the Sixteenth Amendment to our Constitution? Slavery, yes. And worse than slavery since your hard-earned money is EXACTED from you by means of withholding tax BEFORE you get to hold it in your labor-worn hands. And if you dare to try to keep any of it, off to jail you go under the likes of high-handed Federal judges and lecherous, ignorant juries. At least the slaves were labeled just so; you are told you are free!

Where are the fifty-six men of power and influence today who would sign such a Declaration? James  Dobson testified before thousands of his followers that Congress was scared to death of the ACLU and the press!!! Will Dobson sign such a Declaration? How about Billy Graham or Rick Warren or Jimmy Swaggart? Why not Tom Brokaw or the President himself? How about our Governor? Judges? Your Preacher? Your Teacher? Your Doctor? Will they read the relevant list of infractions and declare that they will no longer pay into the forced redistribution of the wealth scheme that  fattens the no-goods of the welfare system and its jaded economy.

What case in point, you say? Take, for example, the stronghold that federal mandates hand down from Washington to the states in, for example, the "stricter seat belt law." News articles reported that the states were bribed upwards of 15 million of YOUR money if they didn't enforce "click it or ticket." This from the primary lobbyist, Triple A Insurance Company. Now hear this:  "If lawmakers enact a primary seat belt enforcement law, the state will receive $15 million in a one-time federal grant plus an additional $2 million to $3 million annually in new highway safety funds, said Greg Loskowski of AAA Auto Club South. If not, the state might have to divert $7 million to $15.5 million from the Tennessee Department of Transportation to highway safety programs,' he  said."  And of course, you are told that it is to avoid higher insurance rates in the mandated commune. Ha!  It seems Mr. Loskoski, who was elected by nobody, is running the country. All for your good, of course.

This syndicated thievery was the means by which, under USC 666-c-3, non-elected officials like Donna Shalala, head of "health and human services," dictated that the state would not receive $260 million in YOUR tax dollars unless they forced "social security" numbers on ALL licenses from fishing to professional to driving!!! Six-six-six, huh! Merely a coincidence, of course. Or some perverted joke done up by the bored lawyers in Washington. You, the jury, decide.

Legislators now freely admit that the nonsensical legislation which Congress passes is merely a sham to get grant money! And it always comes with mandates which put real Americans in jeopardy of the law, from disallowing acknowledgment of God, public prayer and Bible reading, or posting God's Law to snooping into your automobile. I demand to know what kind of people are writing these mandates and where they go to church.

There are some of us  with American blood running in our veins to which such seditious measures is not only odious but intolerable. Some of us won't sell out our liberty for a purported cheaper insurance rate.

We are laboring under an outright tyranny  of the same nature which created a police state in Germany and which stirred the righteous indignation of those fifty-six men to declare that, brother, they no longer  would they take it.

That same Providence, the God of our Fathers, will save once more and form a more Perfect Union, if you will remember the  covenant of II Chron. 7:14, sealed with the Blood of the Lamb of God. But if you refuse, as Mordecai told Esther, the Lord will bring deliverance from another quarter, but you and your house will perish.

The Declaration is prepared to be written. Will you sign it?

June Griffin