The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.







Ashley's Avenue

Conformity. Let's Not Overdo It.

by Ashley Murphy

It's really sad to see what society has become today. It's a world full of demands. Whether they be demands to follow laws, religions, beliefs, etc. No one can simply state their opinion and let the world take it in stride. If someone doesn't agree, they feel the need to force their opinion on everyone else, make their opinion and way of life the grand supreme. That's not the way freedom works.

The NAACP, LGBT community, atheists all cry foul when someone doesn't agree with their every demand and ideal and create a huge stink in our country. Yes, it may be their right of free speech to make comments on it, but to try to wipe out a complete ideal just because they don't like it...? Ridiculous.

You don't see me running to news outlets and publishing companies demanding everyone to pray before their meals. It's not hurting me, so why should my silent prayer blessing my food hurt you? If I had an opinion about gay rights, why should that bother anyone? I'm not forcing my beliefs or opinions on you. So why are you trying to wipe them out?

All of these groups claim they are tolerating the Christian lifestyle. No. Not really. The Christian way of life is diminishing every day because they are being forced to tolerate the new society. This country was built on Christian values. That's why settlers escaped here from the reigning holds of England. Maybe the way the New World was obtained is questionable, but nothing in this world or this world's history is clean and perfect, except one man (and this is purely my opinion).

You build a nation on God, guns and freedom, yet after over 2 centuries, the world is ready to take all of that away. I understand there's always going to be conformity. That's just how life goes. But if I'm forced to tolerate your ignorance, can't you learn to tolerate my belief in history. Some out there are a little more eccentric than others. But from what I've seen, the Christian community is light in voice compared to the voices of those groups trying to take away all of our rights.

I see no problem with this nation's children saying the Pledge of Allegience before classes begin in the mornings. It's a tribute to the United States of America. No, the whole orginal tribute should not be rewritten to erase God's name from the words. If you don't want your child participating, then tell them to stay seated and keep their mouth shut. It's that simple.

Prayer in schools. What's wrong with that? If you don't like it, then don't participate! It's really not that hard.

There's so much to this story, my head is spinning in circles right now. I could write a book with all of my thoughts. Just know that this country is going to Hell in a handbasket. Many people are hoping for it's destruction. And at this rate, it won't be long before that happens. Some serious changes need to be made in the good ole U. S. of A.

If not, the future of this Great Nation is quite bleak in my eyes.


Ashley Murphy
People News Assitant Editor

Do you have questions or comments? If so, e-mail Ashley at: