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Of Bradley County Tn.


The People News
Special Report






Happy New You

by Alexandra Edwards

Happy New Year.....A time to reflect on major events of the past year, as well as take a look ahead to the predictions of the future. The beginning of a new year is also a great time to take a good long look at oneself in the mirror and decide what changes can be made to improve your image, your health or your personality. Making a resolution is fine as long as it can be fully achieved before the year is out.

Everyone appreciates how very difficult it is to stick to new year resolutions, like quitting smoking, losing weight and exercising regularly. No matter what the intentions are at the time, applying it to a personal everyday routine lifestyle is another story. People get set in their ways over the years and find it difficult to adjust to a new way of life, which is probably why many resolutions are broken after only a few weeks.

For those really wanting to seriously commit themselves, it is important to remember that change doesn't happen on its own. To reach any goals you have to make them happen. One method used myself to achieve results of a new year resolution, was to instead of trying to change only that one thing, completely reinvent yourself.

Alexandra Edwards

Changing your appearance with a complete makeover may make it easier for you to change your everyday routine lifestyle. No need to spend lots of money on the new you. Start with a little people-watching for a few days or flick through a few magazines to get some ideas for your new look. Instead of getting the usual cut at the hairdressers, look through their hairstyle books and go for something entirely different. Talk to your hairdresser and maybe choose a new color. Not just women dye their hair nowadays, drug store shelves are stocked with all kinds of hair and beard color for men, too.

Next, go out and buy entirely different style clothes to those worn last year. Experiment with different colors and designs. January is a good month for sales and clearances in most major department stores, but your new look can just as easily be achieved by shopping the consignment stores or thrift shops. Now that you have your new wardrobe, either place all last year's clothes in storage containers, sell them at a yard sale, or give them to charity. Just seeing that brand new you in the mirror could inspire you to improve your image even more by say...losing a few pounds.

Change your eating habits. Everyone knows what's good for you and what's not, it is something called 'common sense.' Diets don't work, they are not one size fits all. Each individual needs to create their own healthy eating habits which should always include at least one thing that cannot be lived without. Completely depriving yourself will only lead to failure. Shedding the first few pounds through eating right should be enough to spur you on to take health and fitness to the next level. Start by choosing a form of exercise that you know you really enjoy, that way you will be able to stick to it. Keep it real simple. No need for expensive gyms or equipment.

Walking is said to be one of the best forms of exercise for all ages. All that is needed is a good pair of walking shoes. Start at your own pace then work up to a good brisk walk for at least 30 minutes, just 3-4 times a week. Let your results spur you on. Dance to your favorite music, that is a really fun way to exercise. Also, exercise videos make an easy way to workout in your own home and they are usually quite inexpensive.

Come Spring, take another long hard look in the mirror to see the new you. You could be pleasantly surprised, especially those that wanted to lose weight for their new year resolution. Those that had vowed to exercise regularly should now be feeling much more fit. By summer, your new lifestyle should have become easy, more like an everyday routine, and you are already half way through your new year resolution.

As for the smokers whose resolution was to quit, bynow would no longer have the desire to inhale nasty nicotine vapors into their new healthy lungs and would be non-smokers.

Happy New Year...and Happy New You.
