The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.






The Tennessee Mockingbird

"Why I believe in Bible Supremacy"

By June Griffin

If you want to see the average lily-livered non-thinker run for cover, put across the word "white supremacy." The poor deluded victim of peer pressure will envision images of pointed hats and white sheets, and fiery lynchings. This is the effect of television, movies, and a mongrel press. Hardly a ground for sound judgment.

Lynchings remind me of horse thieves, not slavery.That's the only lynching I ever heard of, but then what does a Mockingbird know?

After the aforementioned image dances across non-thinker's polluted mind, the alleged white supremacist will be considered worse than a leper. Murderers, rapists and thieves are held in higher esteem than a 'white supremacist' or the imaginary creature, the 'racist' (a new-age UN term). This world body of thieves, the so-called 'United Nations," stays constant in its goal: One World, One Race, One Sex, One

June Griffin

Religion. Why?

Are the white nations more civilized because they were founded by white people? Census records lists the North American Indians as white people. None would classify this people as civilized.. Worshiping trees and ancestors foments practices hardly called civil although the forces of the priestcraft will punish with various forms of terror to keep a sort of order. But what inventions came from such religious tomfoolery?

Dictionary distinguishes between pagan and heathen, pagan being a civilized state which falls into intellectual witchcraft and intellectual communism, while the heathen has never known anything except cannibalism and potions. The Greeks were pagan with philosopher Plato pushing economic communism; Dark Africa was heathen but ultimately practicing some form of communism, ruled by the village witch doctor who terrorizes the collective with his tricks. One by subtle force, the other by forced
subtlety. Neither societies produce independent successful individuals.

Where the Bible is the basis for the law, there is civilization and free flow of inventions. (By the Spirit of the Lord man finds out witty inventions.) Free spirits invent and promote their inspirations. Bondage to sin and priestcraft bind its victims to mere hand-to-mouth existence with an occasional carnival for its life..

History shows that the Bible produces the highest civilization and personal rights. No other 'religious' book provides the high and holy Bill of Rights, for all other books will allow only their priests or the privileged class to be armed, effectively disarming the people. European mobs carrying signs 'protesting' this or that tyranny can hardly be classified as a free people. Compare our American Revolution where an armed populace made open declared war on tyrants. Signs and rocks are poor defenses against armed tyrants.(See the history of the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee where Passive Resistance 101 was the school curriculum. Modus operandi: lay in the streets, insult the police, when they react to such behavior, cry 'police brutality,' and call the ACLU lawyer. See history of Kent State, Ohio and Montgomery, Alabama.)

Scripture principle arms the people. Tyranny and priestcraft disarm the people. When England did away with its Bill of Rights and gun control came in, it soon fell into the control of the Muslims, who can't allow the arming of all the people. And to give them the right to vote in a Democratic-Republic without certain covert controls? This is unthinkable in any Society not governed by the Fear of God and His Word.

Freedom is the hallmark only of a Bible-believing people. Private ownership and control of property, the right to own, sell and manufacture firearms, the right to promote one's own inspired invention, the right to publish religious and political
views, the right to overthrow tyranny - all these God-given rights emanate from the principles and statutes of the Bible covenants. Upon such principles and statutes the United States of America was founded. Hatred of tyranny is a hallmark of a free people; toleration of tyranny is bondage and ultimate enslavement of the mind. The latest efforts to institute so-called 'hate crime' laws smells of European rule and are of course another effort to get grants and hire good-buddy busybodies.

Every civilized society has in its background acceptance or rejection of God's Word. Missionaries have suffered death and imprisonment to get the Word of God to dark countries and when the Word of God comes, it separates the wheat from the chaff, sets people in ranks of the Righteous and the Wicked. It demands holiness of life and purity and cleanliness, produces a people who are diligent to work, pay their honest debts and ultimately the courage and Spirit of God to overthrow the taxing priestcraft who taxes the people to support the idle and lazy.

Communism is overturned by an armed populace, not by mobs carrying signs and throwing rocks. Hitler introduced gun control and Germany fell into the most awful practices, disregarding personal liberties and ultimately came under the wrath of Almighty God, not because they held to nationalism but because they rejected the God of Martin Luther and promoted evolution and humanism. Stupid social engineers blame the fall of Germany on nationalism, but social engineers know nothing. "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God."

December 15 was the anniversary of the ratification of the American Bill of Rights. Every elected official swears a holy oath to uphold the citizen's rights to own firearms and weapons. Who would be so evil as to take away that right and to want to control the sale and manufacture of such weapons? What race? What religion? What society? No Christian would do such a thing.

I will stand forever for Bible supremacy. And though corruption, wickedness and ungodly controls may hammer away at it with its magnificent Ten Commandments, yet it is the "anvil that has broken many hammers."

Query: If a group of white people wanted to form a State and run it according to the Holy Scriptures, who would object? If a group of black people wanted to form a State and run it according to the Holy Scriptures, who would object? Anybody?