The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                        The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







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Reader wants Iraq war stopped now.

Dear Editor

I would like to comment on President Bush's speech about our Congress not doing it's job and giving him all the funds he wants for the war. It is especially infuriating to hear him discuss the lack of funds forcing War Mongers and Profiteers into being, "laid off" in Iraq, if he doesn't get all the money he wants.

I say, "Go ahead and lay them off". They are making three times or more the money our troops are making. Bring our troops home, give our troops good healthcare, here at home. I applaud the Congress for finally standing up and being counted. I applaud them for doing, NOW, what should have been done long ago.

It surprised me to hear our President Bush telling the American people their IRS refund checks would be late in reaching them, as a way to manipulate popular opinion to get him what he wants. How does a late IRS refund check relate to our troops being killed and maimed? Does he think the American populace, who is losing their sons and daughters, give a naught about an IRS refund check, if their child can be returned home safely? Does he think a few paltry dollars mean more to grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, than the lives and well being of their family members in Iraq?

I think if one of the famous polls, that everyone seems to be quick to take, were taken it would show our President that each American would gladly give up their IRS check to see our loved ones come home. How can our leader tell us we think more of our IRS refund checks, than we do of the lost and destroyed lives of our loved ones? I ask YOU, would YOU be willing to give up your IRS check, to stop an unchecked war and bring your loved ones home?

Our President's comments during his speech showed what little respect he has for the American people, and their families. His main concern seems to be keeping the War Profiteers, profiting.

The only way for change is letting your voice be heard. Don't let those people in Washington continue to ignore you. Raise up your voices. Band together. Let your voices be heard across America and into the White House and Congress. We are not yet defeated and we will have our day, our Constitution, and our country returned to us. YOU have the power to make changes!!!!!!

Valerie Gamblin,

