The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Liberal Journalist

by Greg Cain

In an article by Walter Cronkite, formerly CBS News anchor and now a writer for King Features Syndicate, Cronkite stated that reporters for the most part, are "liberal." This does not come as a surprise for objective observers of the media's, and Cronkite's spin for most of his sixty years as a liberal journalist. Now, by Cronkite's own admission we know that we have an "out of the closet" liberal, not one masquerading as "fair and balanced."

Cronkite cited Vietnam as an analogy of his fairness when he concluded that since both the left and the right were accosting him he must have been in the middle of the road. What middle? What road? From the perspective of those serving in Vietnam, Cronkite's blather from his comfortable news desk at CBS, was anything but middle of the road. He knew that hundreds and thousands of Americans were being killed; and, his liberal spin helped prolong that war and increased its casualties. The United States military could have done the same in Vietnam as it has twice done in the Middle East; and, despite US military dominance of the Vietnam War weakling, sissified, politicians forfeited it. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

Cronkite covered himself with shame despite his latter day "middle of the road" self-assessment. The net effect of his propaganda was to hand the communists a victory from the streets of the US. For Cronkite to attempt to make US military involvement in Vietnam morally or otherwise equivalent to "liberal" leftist protesters at home is both disingenuous and unpatriotic and he belatedly needs to have his head screwed on straight -- this is a start.

While draft dodging protesters went home to mommy and daddy or to their LSD laced dormitories for some pot that Clinton didn't inhale, booze and "free" sex; or to their communist infested classrooms; or sat in front of the television "guzzling" anti US propaganda that Cronkite, among others were all too eager to provide, 58,000 American men gave their lives for the South Vietnamese to live in freedom. But, "liberals" won that war for Ho Chi Minh in US city streets and on the Capitol Mall, effectively consigning two million South Vietnamese to death or living hell, and creating a tidal wave of genocide and economic despair in Cambodia and Laos.

Liberals want to similarly change things here, just ask any "liberal" professor. If removal of the Ten Commandments from the Supreme Court of Alabama, Roe v. Wade, Sullivan v. Texas and other landmark decisions are an indication, they are well on their way.

Does anyone care? Absolutely! But, not the Clergy! They are too busy embracing sexual perversion as compassionate, living the good life, fleecing their pathetic, politically correct flocks and hiding under their pulpits. Truth may be slow coming, but at long last of one truth we can be certain, though it isn't coming from the Clergy, "journalists are liberal." Cronkite said so, "and that's the way it is."

Greg Cain