Reader congratulates Cecil Owen
Letter to the Editor
The People of Bradley County
Cleveland, Tennessee
Dear Sir:
Few accolades come to those who labor in writing newspaper columns. Most gulp down the material from this hard labor, never giving a thought that it is from the heart and lifeblood, and often inspiration of the writer. Not to be counted in that thankless multitude, I would like to congratulate Cecil Owen for his thorough piece called "Life and Death of a Lady," which was done to honor the USS Arizona in its death at the hand of the Japs on December 7, 1941. This heinous crime against our country will never be forgotten.
Mr. Owen rightfully chronicled its history and brought out details of which few of us could know, had it not been for the eyewitness of his step-father who was once stationed aboard this ship. The fact that the ship's crew was ordered to "stand at the foot of the bed and say a bed time prayer" is enough to make the ACLU frantically scream its way down the hall. Good Admirals knew they needed the Lord.
As an officer with Citizen-Soldiers for the Atomic Bomb who annually withstand the well-heeled, tax-exempt granola/tofu hippies at the Y12 Plant on Hiroshima Day, I say to Mr. Owen, keep up the good work. Never let this "day of infamy" be forgotten. MacArthur's God is watching. Old soldiers never die. General Jesus protects their sacrifices.
For God and Country,
June Griffin, Dayton