The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.


                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Love Fiber

by B.J. Armstrong

Love Many things, for therein lies the true strength,
and whosoever loves much performs much,
and what is done in love is done well.

---- Vincent Van Gogh

Getting things done well means that you are organized. Being organized means that you get things done on time. This love month of February .... get organized.

First, set goals and make a plan before starting out. Decide at the very first of the month who gets flowers, who gets candy and who gets cards. This is the month to be extra nice to the ones that you truly love and it's the the month to show it. Make a list... Don't rely on your memory. Write down the names and addresses of people that you will send a card to... then buy a box of cards.
Use your calendar. Of course, circle the 14th in red. You might want to write in names at various dates of the people you plan to call, write, or go see. Genuine compassion for others is the key to an overall healthy life. Here are some rules

B J Armstrong

to follow:

* Treat every day like the miracle it is.

* Find something every day to smile about.
*Make as many friends as you can.
* Choose wellness.
* Do a lot of interesting things.
* Be optimistic.
* Be friendly.
* Make others want to be around you.
* Be a good listener.
* Treat others like you want to be treated.

February begins with an F. So does Fiber. What do the two words have in common? Nothing really. But I wanted to write about fiber and I always like to say something about the month. So,  have you heard about the new Fiber One cereal?. It's good. Mix it in with a can of mixed nuts and you've got your fiber for the day. Here are two more suggestions: Make salad and garnish it with Fiber One cereal. Add Fiber One to your favorite yogurt. It's delicious!

Most people only get about half of the recommended requirement (25 grams) each day. Fiber One cereal gives you 57% in one half cup serving. Let us talk

about some other things to do to get your fiber each day.
1. Look for the words 'bran' 'whole grain' and 'whole wheat on packages.
2. Eat fruit and you'll get nutrients and fiber.
3. Eat fruit and vegetables with the skins on them. The peel has the fiber and nutrients.
4. Dried peas and beans are full of high fiber.
5. Any of the berries have twice the fiber of other fruits. I love strawberries.
6. Nuts and seeds add fiber and are fun to chew and crunch foods.
7. Popcorn and pretzels are a good source of fiber.

Now you need to process all that fiber. So, guess what. Drink water, water, water, water. Yes, aim for 8 glasses a day.

This February get organized. Be compassionate. And Get your fiber!
Happy Valentine's Day!